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ST 4U 94: VAST Goodies

June 13, 2011 9:42:22.086

Today's Smalltalk 4 You looks at the VAST Goodies site - a VA Smalltalk seaside powered side used to share community provided VA code. If you have trouble viewing it here in the browser, you can also navigate directly to YouTube. To watch now, click on the image below:

VA Goodies.

If you have trouble viewing that directly, you can click here to download the video directly. If you need the video in a Windows Media format, then download that here.

You can also watch it on YouTube:

Today we'll look at the VAST Goodies site - it's both an example of a VA Smalltalk application (using Seaside), and a useful site for getting (and contributing) community provided Smalltalk code. In order to make use of it, you first need to download the tools - which will also serve as an example of how to download and load code from the goodies repository into VA Smalltalk. First, visit vastgoodies.com:

VAST Goodies

Scroll down, and select the Tools link. That will select the configuration map to download in the view. Scroll back up, and select the Download link:



Next, open up a Configuration Map Browser, and under Names, select Import, all versions.


This will pop up a dialog that you can easily misinterpret. To select an import file, just don't enter anything and hit ok:


Now select the file and hit ok in the standard dialog:

Select the File

That added the file to your ENVY library - but an attempt to load from the Configuration Map Browser you have open fails - due to a pre-req that wasn't specified:

Load Failed

Go back to the feature import tool, select SST HTTP, and move it to the right. Then load that:


Now return to the Configuration Map Browser and load the Goodies tools - they'll come in just fine now:

Load Goodies Tools

That gets the tools in - we'll look at how to make use of them in another tutorial.

Need more help? There's a screencast for other topics like this which you may want to watch. Questions? Try the "Chat with James" Google gadget over in the sidebar.

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Civ V?

June 13, 2011 19:21:16.360

I've been hearing nothing but negativity about Civilization V since it came out - so last night, when my daughter sounded interested in it, I couldn't muster any enthusiasm. On the other hand, I haven't seen it myself so - she created a Steam account and downloaded the Mac version. So far, she likes it a lot. Maybe I'll give it a try, so we could play multi-player....

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JS 4U 64: Fade Out Animation

June 14, 2011 8:54:52.940

Javascript 4 U

Today's Javascript 4 You. Today we look at a specific type of page animation with JQuery - fading content out. If you have trouble viewing it here in the browser, you can also navigate directly to YouTube.

Join the Facebook Group to discuss the tutorials. You can view the archives here.

To watch now, click on the image below:


If you have trouble viewing that directly, you can click here to download the video directly. If you need the video in a Windows Media format, then download that here.

You can also watch it on YouTube:

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Fluid Positioning of VW Widgets

June 14, 2011 10:16:38.000

David Buck has been working on a project to make the positioning of VisualWorks widgets on a canvas a whole lot simpler. There's a video demo at the link - pretty cool stuff.

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ESUG 2011 Call For Papers

June 14, 2011 17:16:47.361

ESUG is making their annual call for papers:

We invite submissions to the International Workshop on Smalltalk Technologies which is held as part of the ESUG 2011 joint event at Edinburgh.

You can get full details on what they are looking for at the link above. The conference itself is being held August 22-26 in Edinburgh, Scotland.

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ST 4U 95: Specifying Configuration Map Pre-Reqs

June 15, 2011 8:27:48.491

Today's Smalltalk 4 You looks at specifying the prequisites for a configuration map. For the example map we created for the Counter application, we'll need to make sure that the SUnit library pre-loads. If you have trouble viewing it here in the browser, you can also navigate directly to YouTube. To watch now, click on the image below:

Config Map Pre-Reqs.

If you have trouble viewing that directly, you can click here to download the video directly. If you need the video in a Windows Media format, then download that here.

You can also watch it on YouTube:

Today we'll be going back to the configuration map browser in VA Smalltalk. We created a Configuration Map to load our Counter application and tests together - but we didn't set it up to load the SUnit library if that wasn't already in the image. Today we'll go back and address that. First, open up the browser on the map:

Configuration Maps

To specify pre-requisites, we need to create a new edition. Right click on the 1.0 release, and select Create New Edition:

New Edition

Move the cursor down to the expression pane below, and select Add from the context menu:

Add Configuration Expression

We have to specify a boolean expression here - if it evaluates to true, then the pre-requisite maps in the next pane will be loaded. Typically, we just set this directly to "true", but you can add more complex expressions:

Configuration Expression

Moving one pane to the right, we can now specify configuration maps that should be loaded before the one we are working on - and the load order for them. Pop up the context menu and select Add First. We only have one pre-requisite here - you can change the order if you have more:

Add Pre-requisite

In the window that pops up, move the libraries you need loaded from the left to the right, and then hit "Ok":

Select the Libraries

Now that we've specified the new pre-reqs, we need to release a version. Select the edition in the upper pane and right click - then select Version:

Release New Version

We have been doing all of this work without our library load. With the new edition selected, pop up the context menu again and select Load:


A small window will pop up to tell you what's about to be loaded, and in what order. Simply proceed by pressing "Ok":


And that's it - we've just loaded the new version, along with its pre-reqs.


Need more help? There's a screencast for other topics like this which you may want to watch. Questions? Try the "Chat with James" Google gadget over in the sidebar.

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posted by James Robertson

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GNU Smalltalk: First Steps

June 15, 2011 12:02:53.356

Interested in learning Smalltalk at the command line? Learning Smalltalk shows the way with GNU Smalltalk.

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Copyright Troll Hammered

June 15, 2011 15:28:04.000

Looks like RightHaven is getting what it deserves:

A federal judge in Las Vegas today issued a potentially-devastating ruling against copyright enforcer Righthaven LLC, finding it doesn't have standing to sue over Las Vegas Review-Journal stories, that it has misled the court and threatening to impose sanctions against Righthaven.

This is welcome news, but it doesn't change my baseline theory - copyright and patent law in the US are fundamentally broken. Instead of encouraging innovation, they are encouraging trolling.

posted by James Robertson

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Meanwhile at the Office...

June 15, 2011 22:29:15.000

With all of the "cloud" news, it's easy to miss things like this: the massive sales of MS Office 2010:

In a phone interview Tuesday, Numoto further said "since the launch of Office 2010 we've been selling a copy of Office every second." We'll do the math for you: that's about 31.5 million copies. The number could be higher, assuming Microsoft is counting only Office 2010 sales and not Office for Mac 2011, which came out late last year.

The standard desktop is still a big seller, regardless of how much hype you hear about everything else...

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JS 4U 65: Controlling Fade Effects

June 16, 2011 8:12:23.632

Javascript 4 U

Today's Javascript 4 You. Today we continue to examine JQuery's support for fade in/fade out annimation effects. If you have trouble viewing it here in the browser, you can also navigate directly to YouTube.

Join the Facebook Group to discuss the tutorials. You can view the archives here.

To watch now, click on the image below:


If you have trouble viewing that directly, you can click here to download the video directly. If you need the video in a Windows Media format, then download that here.

You can also watch it on YouTube:

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posted by James Robertson

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GemKit for VW 7.8

June 16, 2011 8:18:07.000

Dave Buck has been pretty busy with VW improvements - here's another announcement:

Well, I've received permission to make the following announcement. I'll be working with Cincom to upgrade GemKit to VisualWorks 7.8.

You can get full details at the link.

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Who Needs Flash?

June 16, 2011 13:49:47.000

Facebook won't be needing it, apparently - at least mot on their mobile, html5 version of the site. Gizmodo reports that they are working on a way to route around Apple and the App Store within the bounds of what Apple allows on IOS:

Eighty outside developers are supposedly working on the project including those from companies like Zynga. Games and credits will be included so you can farm to your heart's content. And yes, it will supposedly land on Android, but the first target is iOS.

If that pans out, expect a lot of the excitement over iPad specific magazine apps to flow back to HTML5.

Update: Ironically enough, TechCrunch is now reporting that Facebook is, in fact, working on an iPad app. They still don't need Flash, but perhaps they've decided that HTML5 isn't enough :)

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Smalltalk in Germany

June 17, 2011 8:10:14.000

Torsten tells us about a Squeak meetup in Frankfurt Potsdam next month:

There is a meeting of Squeakers in germany in Potsdam on 23.07.2011. Two days before there is a presentation from Alan Kay.

There are details at this link, in German

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ST 4U 96: Launching Another Image

June 17, 2011 11:15:58.839

Today's Smalltalk 4 You shows you how to launch one VW image from within another VW image. This is useful for many tasks beyond multi-core support for distributed jobs; I use this to launch images sequentially from a "driver" image to do automated builds. If you have trouble viewing it here in the browser, you can also navigate directly to YouTube. To watch now, click on the image below:

Launching VW Images

If you have trouble viewing that directly, you can click here to download the video directly. If you need the video in a Windows Media format, then download that here.

You can also watch it on YouTube:

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posted by James Robertson

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Squaring the DA2 Circle

June 17, 2011 12:21:49.880

What do you do when you release a very successful (commercially speaking) game that nevertheless gets some raspberries from fans of the preceding game? You tread carefully:

"We have some new DLC that's upcoming that's going to try and address some of the comments and try and provide the fans with the things they're looking for, both the core fans and the new fans," BioWare boss Ray Muzyka told Eurogamer. "We're committing to making sure all the products in the franchise going forward are going to appeal to a wide audience, both the core and more."

While there were flaws in the game (reuse of maps, anyone?), it was enjoyable, and the story went somewhere interesting. Personally, I'm very curious to see where they take the core story - both in DLC and future games.

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Exciting News from Pandora

June 17, 2011 20:33:09.906

This email just filled me with joy and anticipation:

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IM 34: Smalltalk at Cincom

June 19, 2011 11:22:18.439

Welcome to episode 34 of Independent Misinterpretations - a Smalltalk and dynamic language oriented podcast with James Robertson, Michael Lucas-Smith, and David Buck.

This week Dave Buck and I interviewed Cincom's Product Manager for Smalltalk, Arden Thomas. We spoke about the recent releases of VisualWorks and ObjectStudio, about the product roadmaps for both products. We also asked about the current inaccessibility of te NC product on the Cincom Smalltalk website - Arden had some answers for us on that score towards the end of the first part of the podcast. The discussion went for about an hour, so the podcast is split in two - part one today, part two next week. Enjoy!

You can subscribe to the podcast in iTunes (or any other podcatching software) using this feed directly or in iTunes with this one.

To listen now, you can either download the mp3 edition, or the AAC edition. The AAC edition comes with chapter markers. You can subscribe to either edition of the podcast directly in iTunes; just search for Smalltalk and look in the Podcast results. You can subscribe to the mp3 edition directly using this feed, or the AAC edition using this feed using any podcatching software. You can also download the podcast in ogg format.

If you like the music we use, please visit Josh Woodward's site. We use the song Troublemaker for our intro/outro music. I'm sure he'd appreciate your support!

If you have feedback, send it to jarober@gmail.com - or visit us on Facebook - you can subscribe in iTunes using this iTunes enabled feed.. If you enjoy the podcast, pass the word - we would love to have more people hear about Smalltalk!

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posted by James Robertson

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IM 34: Smalltalk at Cincom (AAC)

June 19, 2011 11:22:25.969

Welcome to episode 34 of Independent Misinterpretations - a Smalltalk and dynamic language oriented podcast with James Robertson, Michael Lucas-Smith, and David Buck.

This week Dave Buck and I interviewed Cincom's Product Manager for Smalltalk, Arden Thomas. We spoke about the recent releases of VisualWorks and ObjectStudio, about the product roadmaps for both products. We also asked about the current inaccessibility of te NC product on the Cincom Smalltalk website - Arden had some answers for us on that score towards the end of the first part of the podcast. The discussion went for about an hour, so the podcast is split in two - part one today, part two next week. Enjoy!

You can subscribe to the podcast in iTunes (or any other podcatching software) using this feed directly or in iTunes with this one.

To listen now, you can either download the mp3 edition, or the AAC edition. The AAC edition comes with chapter markers. You can subscribe to either edition of the podcast directly in iTunes; just search for Smalltalk and look in the Podcast results. You can subscribe to the mp3 edition directly using this feed, or the AAC edition using this feed using any podcatching software. You can also download the podcast in ogg format.

If you like the music we use, please visit Josh Woodward's site. We use the song Troublemaker for our intro/outro music. I'm sure he'd appreciate your support!

If you have feedback, send it to jarober@gmail.com - or visit us on Facebook - you can subscribe in iTunes using this iTunes enabled feed.. If you enjoy the podcast, pass the word - we would love to have more people hear about Smalltalk!

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ST 4U 97: Publishing to VAST Goodies.com

June 20, 2011 4:07:09.007

Today's Smalltalk 4 You looks at how you use the VASTGoodies.com tools to contribute code back to the VA Smalltalk community. It's pretty easy, as you'll see in the video. If you need more details, visit the place I learned about this! If you have trouble viewing it here in the browser, you can also navigate directly to YouTube. To watch now, click on the image below:

Contributing Code.

If you have trouble viewing that directly, you can click here to download the video directly. If you need the video in a Windows Media format, then download that here.

You can also watch it on YouTube:

Today we'll be going back to the VASTGoodies.com site, and walking through the process of contributing code to the site. Using the tools we downloaded last time, this is pretty easy. First, we load the goodies into our image. Then, in a Configuration Maps Browser, select a configuration and note the two new items towards the bottom:

Configuration Maps

Select Edit Annotations to bring up a properties window. This is how you specify the various bits of information that appear on the website itself, giving information to other users about you:

Developer Details

Developer Details

Select the Project tab to fill in details about your project:

Project Details

Project Details

Now, hit the Ok button, and go back to the Configuration Map Browser. Select the Publish to VASTGoodies.com option in the menu:


You'll get a confirmation dialog - just hit Ok:

Confirm Publish

Now go back to the web browser and refresh the page - you should see your project in the list. That's all there is to it.

Need more help? There's a screencast for other topics like this which you may want to watch. Questions? Try the "Chat with James" Google gadget over in the sidebar.

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posted by James Robertson

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Seaside 3.0.5 Released

June 20, 2011 8:23:40.000

The latest update is now available:

We are pleased to announce the release of Seaside 3.0.5. This is a minor release for Seaside 3.0 that introduces Pharo 1.2 and jQuery 1.6 support. We recommend all users of Seaside 3.0 to update. A changelog is available

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Xtreams Marshaling and Multiplexing

June 20, 2011 11:26:09.000

Michael Lucas-Smith has announced some interesting updates to the Xtreams framework - follow the link for all the details.

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posted by James Robertson

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Moose Suite 4.5

June 20, 2011 19:11:21.376

The 4.5 release of Moose is out.

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