I wonder about the lawsuit claiming that iPads should work better (i.e., not overheat) in the sun - take this rationale from PC World:
This may actually be a very real problem, especially since the iPad is designed for e-book reading and casual computing--a very plausible time to use your iPad would be outside or at the beach.
There's one huge problem with that theory - go out in the sun and just try to read on the iPad. For good or ill, the LCD screen is just not an optimal solution for outdoor reading. Heck, the recent beach ads that Amazon is running for the Kindle play off of that reality.
Maybe the iPad shouldn't overheat as quickly as some claim it does in the sun, but seriously - you aren't going to be using it in the sun anyway.
Today's Smalltalk Daily llooks at a package that adds code completion to VisualWorks and ObjectStudio. It's contributed code, so it could do more than it does - but it's a nice add on all the same. If you can't see the embedded video directly, you can go directly to YouTube for it. Click on the viewer below to watch it now:
You can follow the Smalltalk channel on YouTube for all the "Smalltalk Daily" videos. You can also check out the videos on Vimeo, where the quality is higher, or over on Facebook, if you are a member.
You can download the video directly here. If you need the video in a Windows Media format, then download that here. If you like this kind of video, why not subscribe to "Smalltalk Daily"?
Apparently, we're (my wife and I, that is) members of the selfish elites - and no one even gave us membership cards:
It’s not exactly official, but should also surprise no one: According to a new study the psychological profile of iPad owners can be summed up as “selfish elites” while have-not critics are “independent geeks.
Netflix is available on every major computing system - Macs, Windows, iPads - and on all the gaming systems - Wii, Xbox, and PS3. I think the on-demand thing is going to end up doing a lot of damage to pay per view on cable, and it's also going to change the way shows get created. The whole "weekly fix" thing is going to be harder to pull off as time goes by, and more and more people get sucked into the immediate gratification thing...
I decided to take a serious look at OAuth again - since I have a Twitter account and a set of application keys, I'm using Twitter as the service to test against. I had problems the last time I tried this; I spent awhile reading various websites, and this Twitter developer page has a nice sample of what you should be creating. The problem I was having?
The callback url needs to be double encoded, something I missed the first time around
In creating the signature base, I had managed to drop an ampersand from a spot where it needed to be
So now I'm writing some actual code, instead of just ramming my head against a wall in a workspace. With luck, I should have something working (and posted to the public store) later today or tomorrow.
"get the method"
method := Constructor class methodDictionary at: #determineClassToHandle:.
source := method getSource.
"Insert the Probe"
insertProbeIntoClass: Constructor class
selector: #determineClassToHandle:
sourceString: source
offset: 0
If you can't see the embedded video directly, you can go directly to YouTube for it. Click on the viewer below to watch it now:
You can follow the Smalltalk channel on YouTube for all the "Smalltalk Daily" videos. You can also check out the videos on Vimeo, where the quality is higher, or over on Facebook, if you are a member.
You can download the video directly here. If you need the video in a Windows Media format, then download that here. If you like this kind of video, why not subscribe to "Smalltalk Daily"?
Looks like the Pharo sprint at Camp Smalltalk London paid off:
Pharo 1.1 was released on July 26, 2010. This is the second release. It provides bug fixes, system cleanup, and new features. In total, 883 issues were resolved and went into this version.
Cult of Mac has the story - there's a DMCA exemption for jailbreaking a phone - specifically, circumvention is allowed for:
Computer programs that enable wireless telephone handsets to execute software applications, where circumvention is accomplished for the sole purpose of enabling interoperability of such applications, when they have been lawfully obtained, with computer programs on the telephone handset….
Today's Smalltalk Daily looks at the ProcessMonitor, a tool that's available in VisualWorks and ObjectStudio (and in a web form for WebVelocity). If you can't watch the YouTube embed below, click here to go to the video now:
You can follow the Smalltalk channel on YouTube for all the "Smalltalk Daily" videos. You can also check out the videos on Vimeo, where the quality is higher, or over on Facebook, if you are a member.
You can download the video directly here. If you need the video in a Windows Media format, then download that here. If you like this kind of video, why not subscribe to "Smalltalk Daily"?
I started playing Mass Effect 2 on "Insanity" earlier today, and boy - it's completely unforgiving at that level. On lower levels, if you make the mistake of ducking out of cover at the wrong moment, or taking a sub-optimal party on a mission - you get away with it. On Insanity? You die, fast.
I'll say this - it's certainly a challenge this way. I have to pay much, much closer attention at all times. A moment of distraction, and bam - back to the last save point :)
This week's podcast is part one of our talk with Eliot Miranda, about his Cog VM for Squeak and Pharo. We got into a fair amount of depth with Eliot, about the things he's done already, and the things that he's looking forward to doing in the future.
To listen now, you can either download the mp3 edition, or the AAC edition. The AAC edition comes with chapter markers. You can subscribe to either edition of the podcast directly in iTunes; just search for Smalltalk and look in the Podcast results. You can subscribe to the mp3 edition directly using this feed, or the AAC edition using this feed using any podcatching software. You can also download the podcast in ogg format.
To listen immediately, use the player below:
If you like the music we use, please visit Josh Woodward's site. We use the song Effortless for our intro/outro music. I'm sure he'd appreciate your support!
If you have feedback, send it to smalltalkpodcasts@cincom.com - or visit us on Facebook or Ning - you can vote for the Podcast Alley, and subscribe on iTunes. If you enjoy the podcast, pass the word - we would love to have more people hear about Smalltalk!
I finished reading Armenian Golgotha on my iPad about 2 weeks ago; it's taken me some time to fully wrap my head around it. (I have my early review of the book here) The genocide perpetrated against the Armenians of Turkey really looks (in retrospect) like a trial run for what happened in Germany 30 years later. Many of the same tactics were used, just in a less "factory-like" setting. In some ways that made the outcomes more terrible to read about; imagine a group of exiles, marching away from everything they've known - only to be set upon with axes and other tools by the inhabitants of the region they were passing through - who then robbed the bodies after desecrating them.
The entire period is filled with things that should have created a "never again" movement. First there was the Armenians, and then, after the ill fated Greek invasion of the early 20's, there was the murder of the remaining Armenians (and Greeks) in Smyrna (et. al.). For the latter incident, various European navies sat in the harbor and watched. During the Armenian genocide, the German wartime government knew what was happening, but stayed quiet - in order to get the rail line to Baghdad built. Afterwards, the architects of the horror were granted asylum in Germany; the Entente powers, after a brief show of arresting a number of lower officials who were complicit, let them all go.
There were various points in the book where I really wanted to just put it down, but I ended up feeling like I owed the author - who wrote the book as both a first hand survivor and remembrance for those who wer lost. After reading that, I had to move on to a light science fiction book.
We have a pretty interesting lineup over the next three weeks:
Eliot Miranda on his Cog VM (Part 1)
Eliot Miranda on his Cog VM (Part 2)
Alejandro Reimondo and Frank Lesser on their Smalltalk VM
The last one above is a bit short, I recorded it at Camp Smalltalk London a week ago - but I figure it's of interest to Smalltalkers. Good stuff coming down the pike!
The net research firm revealed that in May 2010, just 3.3 million web users visited the social network, compared to 6.5 million in May 2009. That's a 49 percent drop.
The big problem for MySpace now is perception - with that kind of reported drop, it's definitely "out", whereas Facebook is still "in". A new site might challenge Facebook at some point, but it's hard for me to see how MySpace will ever come back.
Jeff Jarvis sees the end of the advertising supported business model in sight; I'm pretty sure I agree with him. The entire ad model is based on scarcity; in a world of effectively infinite content choices, ad dollars are going to end up spread so thin that they won't possibly support an entire business. This has huge implications for the existing media model, and those implications still haven't completely sunk in.
4th Argentinian Smalltalk Conference
Research Track: Call for Papers
November 11th – 13th, 2010
Important dates:
Submission (Hard Deadline): September 7th, 2010 (Argentinian time: UTC/GMT -3 hours).
Notification of acceptance: October 6th, 2010.
Camera Ready Submission: October 20th, 2010.
The Smalltalks conferences have been growing pretty nicely, so it looks like a great opportunity to get in front of Smalltalkers you probably haven't seen yet.
I spent the afternoon taking a look at the performance of VW, Pharo on Cog, and Squeak on a standard VM. I used the package SimpleBenchmarks from the public store repository - I have a Squeak port as well. Here are the numbers (in milliseconds) for the tests, each one running 100,000 times on my Macbook Pro:
You'll have to grab the code to see exactly what the tests do, although the names are mostly explanatory. Bottom line: VisualWorks is still pretty darn fast, but if you're using Squeak or Pharo, Cog looks like a good thing.
The explosion of digital culture is, on net, a very good thing. But it necessarily crowds out some activities and one of the things it must do the very most crowding-out of is one’s capacity to read giant honking novels. I find it hard to imagine myself undertaking a project on the W&P/Moby Dick/Brothers Karamazov scale in the era of ubiquitous connectivity. I think this is something we may just be losing as a society.
I just don't get it. I read a lot, and if anything, the iPad I have has made that easier. I can buy a book and start reading immediately, and do so on multiple devices. If you peruse my book list, you'll see that some of the history books I've read are pretty darn long; I don't think that "connectivity" gets in the way of that.
If anything, these people sound like the scolds from my youth, who were sure that TV was rotting our brains. There were probably anti-radio fanatics back in the 1930's as well. If you have trouble getting into a long book, don't blame the net - find a mirror, and ponder what's there - because that's where the problem is.
I had another look at the Twitter documentation pages for the OAuth workflow; it seems a bit more detailed than it was when I last looked. With 7.7.1 done (not released, but in the process of being released), it's time I had another look. So - on with the OAuth attempts.
Today's Smalltalk Daily looks at a new tool for VW 7.7.1 - the project launcher. It makes it easier to create multiple images, and then easily launch them without multiple desktop shortcuts or shell scripts. If you can't watch the YouTube embed below, click here to go to the video now:
You can follow the Smalltalk channel on YouTube for all the "Smalltalk Daily" videos. You can also check out the videos on Vimeo, where the quality is higher, or over on Facebook, if you are a member.
You can download the video directly here. If you need the video in a Windows Media format, then download that here. If you like this kind of video, why not subscribe to "Smalltalk Daily"?
How can you tell that a business has reached RIAA/MPAA levels of stupid? When the trolls arrive:
Borrowing a page from patent trolls, the CEO of fledgling Las Vegas-based Righthaven has begun buying out the copyrights to newspaper content for the sole purpose of suing blogs and websites that re-post those articles without permission. And he says he’s making money
Chris Thorgrimsson has announced the Cairo Graphics Kit over on his VW/Cairo blog. It's a set of new view objects for VW done up in Cairo - to get going with it, make sure you load Cairo (the parcel that comes with VW) and the UIPainter first. If you see load time exceptions, it most likely means that you forgot to load the UI Painter.
Two days ago, I posted a new BottomFeeder development build; turns out my build scripts had some issues, and not everything that was posted was correct. So - I just ran through the whole process again, fixed the scripts, and bam - I have a clean build. I should be able to release this as 4.7 soon.
You can follow the Smalltalk channel on YouTube for all the "Smalltalk Daily" videos. You can also check out the videos on Vimeo, where the quality is higher, or over on Facebook, if you are a member.
You can download the video directly here. If you need the video in a Windows Media format, then download that here. If you like this kind of video, why not subscribe to "Smalltalk Daily"?
Engadget Reports that AT&T just got some company in the "omgz, smartphone users like data" parade:
Jennifer Byrne, a business development executive director at Big Red, has shared with us the shocking stat that early data usage from Droid X owners is five times what other smartphones are suckling down
This explains the rumor that's been floated about Verizon getting ready to dial back unlimited data plans. It was apparently easy when all the phones had crappy web interfaces; now, not so much.
My daughter passed her written driving test today - so now we start the whole learner's permit process. In a few months she can try the driving test, and get moved up to a provisional license. Time doesn't stand still :)
I've seen a bunch of chatter float by about Flipboard (a new iPad/iPhone app) this morning - it creates a "magazine style" layout for social media sites like Facebook and Twitter. It sounded cool, so I gave it a try. Sadly, it's already over capacity, and failed to add my Facebook account.
Hot tip - if you can't handle massive load, don't go for the huge splash launch....
Today's Smalltalk Daily looks at how #perform is used in Smalltalk to drive different behaviors from the same code, depending on outside input. If you can't watch the YouTube embed below, click here to go to the video now:
You can follow the Smalltalk channel on YouTube for all the "Smalltalk Daily" videos. You can also check out the videos on Vimeo, where the quality is higher, or over on Facebook, if you are a member.
You can download the video directly here. If you need the video in a Windows Media format, then download that here. If you like this kind of video, why not subscribe to "Smalltalk Daily"?
Hang on to your megabytes, folks, because it looks like the Brave New World of limited data is truly upon us. AT&T and Verizon tend to follow each others' moves pretty closely -- the two carriers regard each other as their nearest competitors, after all -- and we're hearing that Big Red intends to move to some sort of tiered bucket strategy on July 29.
We're into an interesting divide here - at home, things have gone to an increasingly big pipe of unlimited data at a flat rate. Meanwhile, wireless plans are clamping down to pretty low limits with high prices.
I say "llow limits" because of how we expect to use our devices. Consider an iPad on 3G, where you have Netflix, the ABC tv app, and maybe Hulu+. You're taking a trip in the car, and some of the passengers would like to watch something. Bam - you'll hit those 2 GB limits and run into overage charges pretty quickly.
There's going to be a real battle between Apple, Google, and the carriers over this stuff. The device makers are delivering gadgets that make it increasingly easy (and pleasant) to consume massive amounts of data. Meanwhile, the carriers, relegated to being dumb providers of bandwidth, are having a lot of trouble keeping up with demand - and trying to stifle it.
The large profit margins newspapers enjoyed in the past were built on an artificial scarcity: Limited choice for advertisers as well as readers. With the Internet, that scarcity has been taken away and replaced by abundance. No policy proposal will be able to restore newspaper revenues to what they were before the emergence of online news. It is not a question of analog dollars versus digital dimes, but rather a realistic assessment of how to make money in a world of abundant competitors and consumer choice.
That's exactly right. You can't go back in time and restore the scarcity of news, anymore than you can go back in time and "rescue" various software businesses from open source. When the world shifts because of a new technology (and how it gets used), old business models often get chewed up. That's just the way it is.
How many people are mourning the loss of all the businesses that used to support horse transit back at the turn of the 20th century? I'm sure there was plenty of hand wringing about that as well, but the world didn't stop spinning.