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Real LIfe Adventures

July 21, 2010 14:11:51.041

My daughter passed her written driving test today - so now we start the whole learner's permit process. In a few months she can try the driving test, and get moved up to a provisional license. Time doesn't stand still :)

posted by James Robertson


Re: Real LIfe Adventures

[anonymous] July 21, 2010 15:25:15.913

It's tough watching them grow up, but it's also good to not have to drive them everywhere either!

Re: Real LIfe Adventures

[anonymous] July 21, 2010 16:03:18.835

Oh yes, my son borrowed the car yesterday, to visit a friend then phoned later to say he was staying over night, he'd bring the car back later today. Sure the rest of us don't need the car today... Which is why I have multiple cars, but it seems not enough now...

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