Summer of Smalltalk Code
Coding has gotten underway for the six Smalltalk projects that are part of the Google summer of code.
Technorati Tags: gsoc, google, summer of code
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The author of this blog, James Robertson, passed away in April 2014. This blog is being maintained by David Buck (
Coding has gotten underway for the six Smalltalk projects that are part of the Google summer of code.
Technorati Tags: gsoc, google, summer of code
Twitter has decided on (shocker), an ad model for revenues. The fun part is their terms of service, where they want to shutdown anyone else doing something similar on Twitter:
In cases where Twitter content is the basis (in whole or in part) of the advertising sale, we require you to compensate us (recoupable against any fees payable to Twitter for data licensing).
But what does that even mean? You could classify my Smalltalk posting as advertising for Cincom, and I do a lot of that (take the daily screencasts as the prime example). I post them here, the posts get auto-tweeted, and then the tweets find their way into the Facebook news stream. How does that get classified by Twitter?
What about the book reviews I do, where I put in an Amazon affiliate link? I don't get paid for those reviews (and the affiliate links don't pay either), but it could be called advertising. What if I actually reach the monthly minimum at some point and get a check from Amazon? Does that count?
The theoretical answer is "no" - they only want to go after bigger players. The vagueness leaves a huge hole for paranoia though, and I'm not the only one asking these questions...
Technorati Tags: social media, twitter
Today's Smalltalk Daily is part 10 of our updated Seaside tutorial, for VW 7.7/OS 8.2 and Seaside 3.0. The tutorial home page is here. Today we look at how Seaside supports resource urls and File Libraries. If you're picking things up here, grab the work in progress to this point, and the download the domain model being used. Today's screencast looks at adding external resources (images, css, etc) to your application, either directly via a static url, or with Seaside file libraries. Click on the viewer below to watch it now:
You can download the video directly here. If you like this kind of video, why not subscribe to "Smalltalk Daily"?
Technorati Tags: seaside, visualworks, tutorial, resources
One thing I've noticed about the newer plot driven video games - you really need to run through them at least twice. Two cases in point - Fallout 3 and Dragon Age: Origins . I played both games extensively after I first got them, but I missed tons of stuff - not just side quests, but lots of things that could help with the main plot (in fact, I never did finish the first character I created in DAO). With Fallout, I finished the main plot, but left the rest of the world largely unexplored.
On the subsequent plays, I took a lot more time - heck, I maxed my character to level 30 (I have the Game of the Year edition) in Fallout before I even started the main plot. By that time, I had enough custom weapons that I was taking Raider attacks as boring events that my dog could mostly handle on his own :)
This is quite different from most movies (at least for me). There are some movies I like watching again - LOTR comes to mind. For the most part though, it's one and done. First person shooters are mostly like that for me. The plots are linear, and you just run down the track. What I really like are the larger games. I'm running through Mass Effect now, and will play ME 2 once I finish that.
On a humorous side note, I'm getting a lot more play time since I got a toe injury that makes jogging painful. I'm behind on my podcast listening, but the funny thing is, I get a lot more exercise. An hour passes very easily on the exercise bike while I'm playing a game :)
Technorati Tags: video games, xbox
There's a Seaside sprint/Camp Smalltalk happening in London this July - the 16th - 18th:
The UK Smalltalk User Group would like to invite everyone to attend Camp Smalltalk London this July 16-18. The Pharo team will be holding one of their regular coding sprints and, in true Camp Smalltalk spirit, other Smalltalkers will be gathering together to do some productive work on their projects. In addition, we want to welcome those who just want to learn more about Smalltalk, so we'll be holding an introductory tutorial on the first morning. We'll have you writing Smalltalk by lunch! If there's interest, we'll follow up with a Seaside tutorial the next day.
Sounds like fun - and Cincom is hosting a dinner at the event. Follow the link for details.
With the loss of key people from the MS entertainment division, I'd have to say that Sony now has a real chance to play catch up in the console space:
Robbie Bach and J Allard, founding fathers of Microsoft's Entertainment & Devices Division, are leaving the company as part of a broader restructuring that will give CEO Steve Ballmer more direct oversight of consumer businesses including Microsoft's struggling mobile unit.
Especially with Ballmer running things. He's like a one man morale destruction machine...
With how little I drive, an electric car might actually be worthwhile for me - assuming that it could be recharged in a reasonable time period. That's where this article about "faster" charging made me wonder. Consider:
Most Level 3 stations are considered “fast chargers,” but they don’t have to be. The conventional wisdom is that if an average EV battery can be charged to full in about a half hour, then it is a fast charge.
Which tells me that electric cars, at least with the technology available now, are useful for... maybe people like me. Now, how many drivers fit that profile? I don't know, but even for light commuters (my wife drives around 15 miles one way), it's simply useless. Why? Right now, a car trip doesn't have to be plotted out. If you notice you need gas, you pop into a station, and you leave 5 minutes later. With electric cars? Well, you better plan on staying wherever you are for awhile when you charge (the "fast" chargers are still awaiting standards, and the next level is an 8 hour wait).
I just don't see that working out very well for most use cases. Sure, you could use it for short trips - but heck, for less money, a hybrid or regular car will do the same short trips and also let you go as far as you want.
So... what's the market segment for this? I'm not seeing it.
Update: Popular Mechanics sketches out a scenario for 2020, when EVs have become somewhat widespread. The thing that popped out at me is how much more power generatio capability we'll need for that, never mind the time issues I outlined above...
Update 2: In the comments, it was proposed that instead of recharging stations, we simply have battery exchange stations. Well. There are two problems with that:
I pulled the weight from this article
Bottom line - electric cars are not practical for most real world uses...
Technorati Tags: electric cars
I updated my book review page recently - there's still a lot to do there, as I've been doing short reviews since the early 2000's :)
Today's Smalltalk Daily is part 11 of our updated Seaside tutorial, for VW 7.7/OS 8.2 and Seaside 3.0. The tutorial home page is here. Today we look at static (bookmarkable) urls for your Seaside application. If you're picking things up here, grab the work in progress to this point, and the download the domain model being used. Today's screencast looks at creating static urls for the parts of your application that need bookmarkable entry points. Click on the viewer below to watch it now:
You can download the video directly here. If you like this kind of video, why not subscribe to "Smalltalk Daily"?
Technorati Tags: seaside, visualworks, tutorial
Engadget reports that Comcast is starting to rollout 105/10 service. That's interesting, but expensive - they have a mandatory $250 installation charge, followed by a $200/month bill. Meanwhile, my mid tier FIOS service is 25/25 - and it looks like Verizon also has a 50/20 service for $140/month. I'm not sure that's worth it to me yet, but if they start offering faster service, maybe it will be. At least there's some level of competition in my area.
It's easy to blame Facebook for a lack of sufficient privacy controls, as Bruce Nussbaum's students apparently do - but seriously - if you post lurid details about yourself on a website you don't control, you shouldn't be shocked when other people find out:
Then Gen Y grew up and their culture and needs changed. My senior students started looking for jobs and watched, horrified, as corporations went on their Facebook pages to check them out. What was once a private, gated community of trusted friends became an increasingly open, public commons of curious strangers. The few, original, loose tools of network control on Facebook no longer proved sufficient. The Gen Yers wanted better, more precise privacy controls that allowed them to secure their existing private social lives and separate them from their new public working lives.
To some extent, that's like keeping a highly personal diary, and then storing it on your front porch. Sure, the porch is your property - but it's not exactly private. I sure don't have any illusions about how private something I put on Facebook (or any site I don't control) is - I run with a default assumption that "anyone can see it".
Acting otherwise is simply naive. Nussbaum's students have been smacked by reality. They may not like it, but they need to get used to it.
Here's an interesting app store issue:
An iPhone port of GNU Go is currently being distributed through Apple's App Store. However, this distribution is not in compliance with the GNU GPL. The primary problem is that Apple imposes numerous legal restrictions on use and distribution of GNU Go through the iTunes Store Terms of Service, which is forbidden by section 6 of GPLv2. So today we have written to Apple and asked them to come into compliance.
That's from the FSF. They go on to say that they expect Apple to drop the app from the store rather than comply; that's how I'd bet. I also wouldn't be surprised to see the SDK development rules updated to forbid GPL code....
Watch the video and see - as PCWorld says:
For all this expensive posturing the one thing we still don't have is a version of Flash for smartphones that doesn't leech performance and battery life.
Thus far, it seems that having Flash on the phone is a problem. Admittedly, it's a beta, but - watch and make your own call.
If this rumor is true (and mind you, it's a nothing but a single sourced rumor right now) it would sure be a visible turn around. Remember the giant projection of Bill Gates at an Apple event back in 1997? At that time, Apple was barely afloat, and Microsoft desperately needed to keep some competition around. Well, it's 13 years later, and things have certainly changed. Apple's market cap now exceeds Microsoft's, and there's this rumor:
Trip Chowdhry, an analyst with tiny Global Equities Research, contends that 7 minutes of the June 7 keynote by Apple CEO Steve Jobs has been blocked off for a presentation by Microsoft to talk about Visual Studio 2010, the company’s suite of development tools. Chowdhry says the new version of VS will allow developers to write native applications for the iPhone, iPad and Mac OS. And here’s the kicker: he thinks Microsoft’s presentation could be given by none other than Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer.
If that's true, it would be a very visible turn about. Even if it's not true, you have to consider where Apple is in the most relevant space (mobile) compared to MS right now. Apple is in the lead, and MS is busy rearranging the deck chairs.
People have been telling Ruper Murdoch to put up or shut up for awhile - meaning, if he really thinks that "Google is stealing his content", he should just use robots.txt to cut off access to his news sites. Well - it seems that he's going to try that experiment:
The papers, which plan to start charging users for access to their newly redesigned Web sites in late June, will prevent Google and other search engines from linking to their stories. Although they are not the first papers to erect pay barriers around their content, the papers are going a step further by making most of their site invisible to Google's Web crawler. Except for their homepages, no stories will show up on Google.
I have no idea how they expect anyone to find their material after that. It's not like the old days, when you would walk out, get the paper off the driveway and browse - now you find things via:
Notice what's not on that list - directly visiting the site. Oh sure, there are people who go to media sites directly (I'll go to the NY Times for baseball coverage, for instance). But I don't think it's the primary way it happens. Within a month, I expect that traffic will drop off precipitously at these outlets, and Murdoch will end up executing a painful climb down from his idiotic "Google is stealing from me" mindset. It won't just be painful though; it will be costly. Whatever rates he's getting for ads now will plummet with the traffic levels.
When you look up the phrase "bad plan" in the future, you'll run across an item about this as the prime example...
Today's Smalltalk Daily is part 11 of our updated Seaside tutorial, for VW 7.7/OS 8.2 and Seaside 3.0. The tutorial home page is here. Today we add some style (CSS) to the application. If you're picking things up here, grab the work in progress to this point, and the download the domain model being used. Today we wrap up the tutorial by showing you how to save your work. In the screencast, I mention using Store as the best way to save your work; to get more information on setting up and using Store, try these tutorials:
Click on the viewer below to watch it now:
You can download the video directly here. If you like this kind of video, why not subscribe to "Smalltalk Daily"?
Technorati Tags: seaside, visualworks, tutorial, video
Like Amazon, B&N has apparently decided that the Nook is not a core item to be protected - the book business is the key thing:
Unlike Apple and Amazon, bookselling behemoth Barnes & Noble didn't have an e-reading app available for the iPad on day one. But it's just released an iPad version of its eReader
My wife was happy to hear that - it opens up another catalog of books for the iPad. While there are some luddites around claiming that print is better, I don't think that's the issue. This is an additional channel for reading, not a replacement. It will work better for some kinds of reading, and less well for others (I'm thinking textbooks in which you might want to annotate or highlight). Bear in mind though, most of us stop using textbooks after the age of 21 or so, so trumpeting that lack as a key problem is kind of narrow-minded...
Engadget reports that the iPhone is pretty much "wide open", so far as accessing data goes:
Bernd and fellow security guru Jim Herbeck have discovered that plugging even a fully up-to-date, non-jailbroken iPhone 3GS into a computer running Ubuntu Lucid Linux allows nearly full read access to the phone's storage -- even when it's locked
This is why the meme about Macs being secure, while Windows is insecure has been so flawed. I do believe that Unix is a better basis for security than Windows, but - Apple has mostly gotten by on a "security via obscurity" model - Macs are still rare enough (in percentage terms) that it's simply not worth bothering with them. There are so many Windows boxes that it's just better target environment for bad actors.
However, over in mobile-land, things are different. iPhones are very common, so having this kind of vulnerability is the sort of thing that could end up giving Apple some real PR issues.
Technorati Tags: security
Michael Emerson (Lost's Benjamin Linus) says that the Lost DVD set will include an epilogue:
It turns out that when the complete Lost series is released on DVD, the set will include what Emerson calls an "epilogue" that will focus on Ben and Hurley protecting the Island in the post-Jack era.
"It's 12 or 14 minutes that opens a window onto that gap of unknown time between Hurley becoming number one and the end of the series," Emerson told host Kevin Pereira. "It's self-contained, although it's a rich period in the show's mythology that has never been explored."
So... the flash sideways was the post life before they could move on, but the island story was real. It's all very confusing :)
Engadget reports that Microsoft is expecting to sell 30 million Windows 7 phones by the end of 2011:
We've got to hand it to Microsoft -- when it sets a goal, it really sets a goal. As you can see in the slide above shown during a ReMix event in Paris yesterday, Microsoft is apparently expecting to sell 30 million Windows Phone 7 devices by the end of 2011, based on IDC projections
Umm, how? The phone doesn't exist yet, Apple and Google have well defined products, HP may be breathing new life into Palm, and Microsoft is deeply, deeply confused about their integration story - how does this new device fit in with the XBox and Zune, for instance?
I expect Microsoft to end up very, very disappointed.
Technorati Tags: microsoft, windows phone
Microsoft squashed the rumor that Ballmer would appear at Apple's WWDC event - and the way they did it is more interesting than the news itself: they tweeted it:
"Steve Ballmer not speaking at Apple Dev Conf. Nor appearing on Dancing with the Stars. Nor riding in the Belmont. Just FYI," the tweet said. The company, however, has no plans to support Objective-C, a Microsoft representative said.
Steve Jobs gets the message out via email, and MS is doing the same sort of thing via Twitter. Somewhere, PR professionals are crying, since their jobs are the ones getting disintermediated.
Engadget quotes the NY Post:
Sources said several large media companies, including Time Warner and NBC Universal, told Apple they won't retool their extensive video libraries to accommodate the iPad, arguing that such a reformatting would be expensive and not worth it because Flash dominates the Web.
Well - the Flash war won't end anytime soon with that news. That certainly leaves a space for HP (Palm) and Google, if they can create compelling tablets. Of course, that's a big if. The interesting thing that's not mentioned: Microsoft isn't even part of this game...
Today's Smalltalk Daily is part 1 of a 2 part look at the VisualWorks UI Painter (GUI Builder) tools. Click on the viewer below to watch it now:
You can download the video directly here. If you like this kind of video, why not subscribe to "Smalltalk Daily"?
Technorati Tags: visualworks, GUI Builder, UI
Not only did CBS cancel what was often Friday night's top-rated series last week, but ABC decided not to give it a shot either. In fact, things have gotten so bad for Jennifer Love Hewitt's veteran series that CBS has decided to can the summer reruns and move the renewed Medium and its reruns into the 8/7C p.m. slot for the summer months.
My wife likes that show, but I think it started to stray when it tried to explain the ghost world too much. Medium does a better job of just working on "if this were possible, how would it play out in the real world"?
So you take the wild premise,but then just run the world normally, but with that premise. Ghost Whisperer tried to do too much explaining. Never mind the killing of the husband, followed by the complete ignorage of his reinstatement in someone else's body, along with the "many years later" trick of having the kid grow up.
Technorati Tags: scifi, supernatural
We'll be live with Arden Thomas - Cincom Smalltalk Product Manager - at 2 PM EDT. We'll be talking about the upcoming product releases, as well as the roadmap looking forward. If you have questions during the talk, just throw them at us via the chat channel on the streaming site, or over on the Smalltalk IRC channel
Technorati Tags: smalltalk, visualworks, objectstudio, webvelocity, podcast
This would be funnier if it weren't so pathetic:
"[Companies are] happy to stay with IE6 because ... a lot of the social networking sites and the sites that they deem are unnecessary for work purposes, they're not going to render and function properly within [older versions of] IE," Microsoft's Australian chief security adviser Stuart Strathdee said.
Can't say I've tried Facebook (et. al.) in IE 6 - I don't have it running anywhere. But seriously? With all of the security issues that MS has addressed since IE 6 with the 7 and 8 releases? Any IT department thinking that way needs to be outsourced...
Technorati Tags: social media, facebook
On the one hand, you have people worried that Facebook is exposing too much, and not giving users enough control over the process (never mind Zuckerburg's quite clear mindset on where privacy is headed). On the other hand, Facebook is still growing, and Foursquare has a million people per day "checking in" - i.e., letting the world now the minute details of where they are and what they are up to.
And then there's the dark side of all this - how third parties are trying to use that glut of information to learn more about you - and doing so incompetently:
One day, Greg was called in to see his manager and was told that his services would no longer be needed. He was asked to clear his desk and escorted from the building with no further explanation. His family hadn't even finished unpacking from the cross-country move, and Greg was faced with the shock of unemployment.
Thankfully, after some pushing Greg was able to learn that the company had fired him because the subsequent background check had uncovered a criminal background and outstanding warrants the company was unaware of. Of course, Greg was also unaware of the criminal background and outstanding warrants because the company had uncovered information on the wrong "Greg".
That's the sort of confused privacy world we live in. People are exposing more and more of their lives to the world, are vaguely worried about it, but keep doing it anyway for the immediate (perceived) benefits. I'm not sure where that's going to end up, but it's going to be different than it has been...
Technorati Tags: privacy
It took me a few days of separate efforts - buying the flowers, spreading the dirt, getting the trees delivered - and finally, getting new garden hoses, as a weed whacker seems to have done in the old one - but it finally all came together this morning. I have two photos below; if you're on Facebook, I posted an album.
Jeff Jarvis doesn't like what he sees in an FTC report on how to "save journalism". Like Jarvis, I wasn't aware that journalism needed saving; I am aware that there are (still influential) legacy players that want the field cleared of all those pesky new media types.
And people wonder why I'm skeptical about government. With "help" like what's being talked about here, who needs obstacles?
Technorati Tags: news media, journalism, news
This report about TV/internet video use doesn't surprise me:
Nearly half (46 percent) of 18- to 25-year-olds spend as much time using online video services as they do watching TV, says RealNetworks. Research by online video software firm revealed that just under a third (32 percent) say the PC is their preferred platform for watching TV and video.
That tracks pretty well with what I see here - my daughter spends far more time with the net and video games (Xbox and Wii) than she does with TV. For that matter, so do I. I'm not entirely sure what changed, but over the last few years I've found TV to be less and less interesting. The only shows I really cared to watch on a regular basis this last few months have been Lost (now ended), Stargate: Universe, Dr. Who, and Fringe. There are other things my wife likes that I tolerate, but I don't much care about. My daughter is even further down that path; the only show I've seen her have real interest in lately is Dr. Who.
This will have a rather large impact on the standard TV/advertising model as the next decade unfolds.
Technorati Tags: media
Charles Stross makes some good points about the pros and cons of the iPad - his take on Flash is funny, but then I ran across this:
Secondary motive: I want to stay current. I have a bunch of O'Reilly nutshell books on Python. I would like to be able to open a terminal and run a python interpreter while I work through the tutorials. Ditto ruby, smalltalk, or whatever else I want to play with. The "no interpreters" rule in the app store gets right up my nose.
While average users neither know nor care about that rule, the tech influencers do care. I didn't think that mattered at first - which, given my role as a Smalltalk evengelist might be surprising - but I'm starting to think it will matter. As happened with PC's "back in the day", Android (or WebOS) tablets will eventually have a "good enough" user experience, and the open nature of them will matter. Apple lost that war once; they might be setting themselves up to lose a second time.
Julian Fitzell reports that the Camp Smalltalk event in London (July) is getting some good attention:
When the UK Smalltalk User Group started planning the Camp Smalltalk London event a few weeks ago, we imagined we might get 20 people. After only four days, 30 have signed up and we're jumping to figure out how many more people are interested and how many more we can handle. There are certainly worse problems to have!
Technorati Tags: london, camp smalltalk
My wife was channel surfing this evening, and I had to ask her to pause - we ran across "Red Dead Redemption". At first I thought it was a trailer ad for the game, but it's a 30 minute movie - filmed inside the game engine:
But the story doesn't end there; instead of posting the video online or on the consoles the game is out on, the RDR short film will be debuting on Fox this Saturday at midnight. That's right: it's a damn television premiere.
The day is approaching when this kind of production will give actors a run for their money...
Technorati Tags: video games
A more cynical person might say "let no insufficient number of money laden lobbyists go unpunished". The Feds have decided that Apple is in need of a good spanking:
"The [Justice Dept.] is doing outreach," an anonymous Hollywood source told the Post. "You can't dictate terms to the industry. The Adobe thing is just inviting the wrath of everybody."
Someone should just ask this first - after all the yelling and legal maneuvering, exactly what did the Microsoft cases amount to? Lots of money for lawyers, and precious little else. The competition moved MS back, not the DOJ - although I suppose you could argue that the DOJ made MS skittish enough that they didn't engage well. I'm not sure I'd call that a win.
Now it's Apple's turn. And you know what? In the mobile space, there's plenty of competition. I don't think Google needs help, and it looks like HP is jumping in with WebOS. And Microsoft is trying (not well, but that goes back to being skittish, I think), with their planned Windows 7 phones. What exactly can the DOJ do that won't be done better by letting this play out?
This week's podcast features our Product Manager, Arden Thomas. In this podcast, Arden discusses three things with us:
We didn't discuss WebVelocity 1.1, since we covered that on a recent podcast. Arden is anxious to hear what your needs are in Cincom Smalltalk - if you like what you hear this week (and next; this is part 1 of a 2 part podcast), let him know. And if you think there's something else we should be doing - let him know about that, too!
To listen now, you can either download the mp3 edition, or the AAC edition. The AAC edition comes with chapter markers. You can subscribe to either edition of the podcast directly in iTunes; just search for Smalltalk and look in the Podcast results. You can subscribe to the mp3 edition directly using this feed, or the AAC edition using this feed using any podcatching software. You can also download the podcast in ogg format.
To listen immediately, use the player below:
If you like the music we use, please visit Josh Woodward's site. We use the song Effortless for our intro/outro music. I'm sure he'd appreciate your support!
If you have feedback, send it to - or visit us on Facebook or Ning - you can vote for the Podcast Alley, and subscribe on iTunes. If you enjoy the podcast, pass the word - we would love to have more people hear about Smalltalk!
There is such a thing as being overly immersed in statistics, and Joe Girardi is an example. Consider yesterday's painful game against the Indians:
holding what, on the surface, would have seemed to be a relatively safe 10-5 lead over one of the worst teams in baseball, Joe Girardi decided it was time to embark on what we have come to call "the constant search for the one guy who doesn't have it" and, in the course of three Yankee pitching changes, the Indians batted around to take a 12-10 lead.
In the midst of that mess, one of the pitchers thrown into the fray got a man out on a routine flyball, but was then pulled - likely on the basis of some stat lurking on a clipboard. What the clipboard doesn't show is the intangible "he has good stuff" thing. Some days athletes do well; other days, they're just off. I say that as a guy who ran track and cross country in high school, and I remember plenty of "on" and "off" days.
In modern baseball, that concept has been totally lost. Instead, it's all pitch counts, individual matchups, and other arcane stats. The notion that someone might be "on" is utterly gone.
Now, going with your gut is probably not the best way to run a baseball team - the moneyball thing has paid dividends. But... it's also overused, and Girardi seems to be an utter slave to the idea. When it comes to pitching, it's obvious that he never pays attention to what's going on out on the field - it's only the clipboard that matters to him.
There's good news and bad news. The good: Skype over 3G is finally available for the iPhone. The bad: as of August, Skype will charge for that feature:
After August 2010, Skype will start charging a “small monthly fee” for use of the 3G calling feature. You heard that right — even though you’re already paying AT&T (in the U.S., at least) for your data plan, Skype is throwing in an extra fee. At this point we’re not sure if the move is Skype’s own doing, or if the network operators had a hand in trying to make the Skype app a less desirable option.
I'd suspect AT&T demanded that....
In contrast, a station with eight Eaton/TEPCO Quick Chargers could theoretically fuel just 24 i-Mievs to 80-percent full in an hour. To match the capacity of a modest gas station, completely filling 160 i-Mievs to 100-percent of battery capacity (on 25 minute charges) in one hour, would take at least 67 Quick Chargers with one parking space for each charger. Figure 300-square feet of space for each charger and parking spot and that’s a half acre of land before accounting for driveways or other infrastructure
Mind you, that kind of "quick charge" also depletes battery life - everything I've been reading says that you would, as an owner, want to limit the number of quick charges you did. Which means the picture is even worse - imagine the typical recharge station requiring a 4-6 hour parking time. That's fine if everyone lives within range of their destination (work, say), and they don't ever have to drive anywhere else after they get to work. A few minutes pondering how we actually use our cars will puncture that fantasy pretty quickly.
Of course, there's another issue as well. The "clean power" for these vehicles doesn't jump magically from a wall; in fact, it may well come from a coal fired plant. And if you were to replace a significant number of cars with electric vehicles, well - I think you would need to start putting in new generation capacity as well.
Technorati Tags: electric car, power
Forgotten in the stream of "beginning of summer" barbecues is where Memorial Day came from - it was originally set aside as "Decoration Day" - a day to honor the fallen from the US Civil War. Over time it's become a day to remember US veterans in general, from all wars and eras, but - I think it's useful to recall the original idea. The Civil War remains a huge breaking point between then and now - before, "United States" was often plural, whereas after, it became singular. A small seeming change, but it's had a lot of impact over time.
Sitting here in Maryland in 2010, it's hard to imagine the depth of feeling people in 1861 had for their regions and states. That could be because I'm a transplant from New York, surrounded by other transplants from all over, but it's the way things are. It's not only times that change - nations and the people who comprise them change over time as well.
Technorati Tags: memorial day, remembrance
I just finished a fairly engaging techno-thriller: Counterstrike: The Last World War, Book 2. It's a follow on from The Last World War , something I read a few years ago. I happened upon the book at Borders while getting my daughter an AP prep guide; I had mostly forgotten about the earlier book.
It's a typical techno-thriller, with a Stargate wormhole type of plot device. The kicker - aliens fighting a long (think generations) war create the technology, hoping to use it as a game changer, allowing them to deploy across their own planet. Instead, they end up accidentally opening wormholes to Earth, and humanity gets involved in the war.
Through the first book, it's not at all clear why the war was happening; in the second book, a vague "cold war gone hot" device crops up, with Earth siding with the "Western" side of the conflict. An anti-war group becomes something of a plot device in the second book, but not for long - mostly, they help set up the predictable plot twist that puts the book on the race track towards the conclusion.
The story was fun enough to read, in a "beach reading" sort of way - although I really wonder how much longer authors can pull out grizzled Vietnam war vets to fight again. Seriously - that's a long time ago now :) On the other hand, how many techno-thrillers have you read recently where a North Korean tank jockey is one of the good guys?
Anyway, if you pick up these books, don't expect anything deep. They are enjoyable yarns, but that's about it.
Technorati Tags: scifi, techno+thriller
I just finished reading a the book Power Hungry - it's a good book, detailing where the power of today and tomorrow are likely to come from. You have to be willing to deal with some math to read this book - and the math makes it pretty clear (at least to me) that wind and solar are not going to be more than bit players in our energy future. That all comes down to something pretty simple: energy density. To over-simplify a lot, how much space do you need in order to generate a given amount of energy? For things like coal, oil, natural gas, or nuclear (or for vehicles, gas), the space you need is pretty small, and you can locate the power generation capacity close to where the power is needed. For things like wind and solar, you need gobs of space, and, generally speaking, they need to be located pretty far away from where the power they generate is needed. |
And that doesn't even get into the intermittancy problem (which the author, Robert Bryce, covers in some detaiil). I've written recently about my skepticism about electric cars, and one of the more amusing parts of this book is the series of headlines about electric cars being "the future" - with that series beginning in 1901. It seems that electric vehicles have been the "wave of the future" for a long time, and the problem remains the same now as it was for Edison - battery capacity and life.
Bryce thinks the future belongs to what he calls N2N - Natural gas and nuclear - and he makes the point that if you are concerned about air pollution (either CO2, or, to me at least, the more dangerous toxins that are emitted by burning things like coal), you should favor that future as well.
That's a very brief summary of his points - like I said, Bryce marshals a lot of data in support of his conclusions. I'd recommend taking a look before you draw your own conclusions. I think he makes a ton of sense.
The judge in this suit should not only throw the case out, but nominate the plaintiff for an honorable mention in the "Darwin Awards":
On January 19, 2010, Rosenberg was apparently trying to get from 96 Daly Street, Park City, Utah, to 1710 Prospector Avenue, Park City, Utah. She looked up the walking directions using Google Maps on her Blackberry. Google Maps suggested a route that included a half-mile walk down "Deer Valley Drive," which is also known as "Utah State Route 224." There's not much more to say--she started walking down the middle of a highway, and a car hit her. Who wouldn't have seen that one coming?
In what version of reality does behaving like that involve a lawsuit?
Update: Credit where due - Danny Sullivan originally broke the story.
It's useful to read Nick Carr from a "there's a set of ideas to avoid" standpoint. Take his latest on the humble link:
Sometimes, they're big distractions - we click on a link, then another, then another, and pretty soon we've forgotten what we'd started out to do or to read. Other times, they're tiny distractions, little textual gnats buzzing around your head. Even if you don't click on a link, your eyes notice it, and your frontal cortex has to fire up a bunch of neurons to decide whether to click or not.
Now, imagine Carr a few thousand years ago, when the written word appeared. He would have fulminated against it as the "death of storytelling". To an extent, he would even have been correct - no one develops memorization skills as our ancestors did anymore. Then again, we don't have to - Wikipedia (et. al.) are never more than a link away.
Carr has become a force in favor of inertia. He's comfortable with a certain level of technology, and pretty much wants things to stay in his comfort zone. The trouble is, he sounds just reasonable enough to get a few shallow thinkers to follow along.
Technorati Tags: link
Today's Smalltalk Daily is part 2 of a 3 part look at the VisualWorks UI Painter (GUI Builder) tools. Today we look at hooking up the UI to a domain model. If you want to see part 1, go here. Click on the viewer below to watch it now:
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Technorati Tags: visualworks, UI, GUI Builder
Over the weekend I finished a depressing book - Vox Day's The Return of the Great Depression . Day doesn't have much patience for the Keynesian model of economics; in fact, there's a fairly extended discussion of the flaws (as Day sees them) in Paul Krugman's thinking. You may not agree with Day's take on things, but one thing's for sure - it's quite different than what you'll see on CNBC, or just about anywhere else in business/economic reporting. What he says about debt and fiat currency makes a lot of sense to me (although I have no idea what the "right" answer is to the huge levels of debt that all governments seem to have acquired). Suffice to say that Day is not optimistic - the title of his book pretty much gives away where he thinks things are going. He quotes Mish Shedlock a few times in the text, and I enjoy reading Mish's blog. If you want a non-mainstream take on how things are going, you'll get it from this book and from Mish. I think it's worth getting the perspective, even if you come away unconvinced. |
Julian Fitzell will be part of the Envangelist Evening at Epicenter. It looks like it will be structured as a presentation (Matt Raible) followed by debate sort of thing.
Technorati Tags: epicenter
Of course, they wouldn't be publishers if they didn't also lust after robust DRM measures, which might explain why they're not roundly supporting the readily available EPUB format. It has DRM options, but perhaps they're not gnarly enough for the dudes responsible for bringing us the psychological horror of the Twilight series. We still don't like the suggestion that the people, Amazon primarily, who popularized this market should just open it up out of the goodness of their own hearts -- maybe we would if publishers ever showed themselves capable of doing similarly noble things.
Really, that about sums it up. If they want a standard, what's wrong with ePub?
This leaves a huge opening for Google (and eventually HP, if they get anywhere with WebOS):
I see now why people are so angry at the ‘murky’ nature of the App Store, and I’m starting to agree with them. My Frame was approved by Apple 3 times (once for each version we released), and then now, at version 1.2 they decide it’s to be removed? How can a company be prepared to invest into a platform that can change at any time, cutting you off and kicking you out, with no course of action but to whine on some no-name blog. There is no alternative platform, despite what others may say about Android, it’s immature and their app store(s) are a wild west nightmare. It really is Apple’s way or the highway, and that really stinks.
That kind of unpredictability isn't at all good for a business plan. It works for Apple now, because there's something of a void beyond them. However, all it'll take is for Google and/or HP to create something "good enough" to start luring developers across - because predictability will trump coolness....