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Impossible DLC

September 17, 2010 16:43:12.000

Last night I tried to take my level 34 rogue character - the one I ran through Dragon Age: Origins, Awakening, and Witch Hunt - and take a crack at getting the achievement point for playing "Golems of Amgarrak" at the hard level.

Well. It's insane. Things went fine (my character is a tank) until I got to the green switch room with a bunch of golems in it. Without a mage, that room is pretty much impossible at that level. There are just too many of them, and they kill off everyone else in the party pretty quick. Even with a level 34 rogue who can drop into stealth to get away from things, it's just impossible - I just couldn't inflict enough damage to play the "whittle them down" strategy.

So I'm curious - has anyone done that dlc on hard without a mage? If so, how?

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open source

Who Owns What

September 17, 2010 10:26:23.847

Joachim Tuchel makes an interesting point about open source licenses and issues, in his retrospective post about ESUG 2010:

The open source licenses panel was interesting and shocking at the same time. In short: no matter what you do, if someone wants to sue you, they can sue you and nobody will be able to tell you upfront in what direction this might go in court. But that might just be my impression. Lots of things to look at, lots of pitfalls for all contributors, users and vendors. Were you aware that if you write some code in your spare time, chances are your employer owns the rights to it? I wonder how any joint effort like Squeak or Pharo or whatever can be sure they even have the right to declare code as being theirs and grant any licenses if the authors themselves cannot be sure about it. This whole stuff simply is a bloody mess in my (now at least almost a little informed) opinion.

It's complicated for sure, and even within companies, it's unclear. On the one hand, most vendors (mine included) take great advantage from open source code, like Seaside. On the other hand, there's the constant tension of "aren't we giving away too much?" - and I think the demise of Sun illustrates the far end of that continuum.

I'm not sure how much cleaner any of this will get, either. Like patents and copyrights, a lot of this stuff is an exercise in MAD between vendors....

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Next Generation Event Planning in Seaside - ESUG 2010

September 17, 2010 8:40:01.593

Here's a video from ESUG 2010, which was held in Barcelona, Spain, the week of September 13, 2010. In this presentation, J. Brichau talks about his new startup company based in Brussels, and how they have built their first product using Seaside and Pharo - although their current plan is to start using Gemstone GLASS). You can watch using the embedded player below, or follow the download links at the bottom of the post.

Next Generation Event Planning System with Seaside from James Robertson on Vimeo.

You can follow the ESUG channel on Vimeo for all the videos from the conference.

You can download the video directly here. If you need the video in a Windows Media format, then download that here. If you like this kind of video, why not subscribe to "Smalltalk Videos"?

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Smalltalk Daily 09/17/10: Getting Email with IMAP

September 17, 2010 7:21:00.256

Today's Smalltalk Daily looks at retrieving email messages with IMAP from Cincom Smalltalk. The code used is below; to skip to the video, click here.

imap := IMAPClient host: cincom.
netuser := NetUser username: username password: password.
imap user: netuser.
imap connect; login.

"work with the mailbox"
data := imap examineMailbox: 'inbox'.
numMessages := data first value asNumber.
msgs := imap fetchMessages: (1 to: numMessages) asArray.

"delete from server"
imap markForDelete: (1 to: numMessages) asArray.
imap close.

If you can't see the embedded video directly, you can go directly to YouTube for it. To watch now, click on the viewer below:

You can follow the Smalltalk channel on YouTube for all the "Smalltalk Daily" videos. You can also check out the videos on Vimeo, where the quality is higher, or over on Facebook, if you are a member.

You can download the video directly here. If you need the video in a Windows Media format, then download that here. If you like this kind of video, why not subscribe to "Smalltalk Daily"?

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ESUG 2010 Ends

September 17, 2010 6:35:48.989

With the time difference, I got to see the tail end of Alan's talk about Store and the conference wrap up - next year's event might be in Edinburgh (not confirmed yet). I'll have the first video from ESUG 2010 online later today; right now, I'm downloading the videos from yesterday.

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NTLM for Squeak

September 17, 2010 6:17:29.319

Spotted in Planet Squeak

A post on the Squeak mailing list made me reevaluate how difficult it would be to add NTLM and SPNEGO support to WebClient. Since I had done this at work before (via a plugin interface to support both Windows and Mac transparently) I figured it would be straightforward to implement it using the Squeak FFI interface. And indeed it is. The code is pretty small and a reasonable example on how to use the FFI to access the Microsoft SSP interface.

Using code someone else is already maintaining is a good idea. I've done Digest Auth and the xAuth piece of OAuth myself, and let me tell you - specs are written in a strange language, even though all of the words are English :)

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Browser Wars

September 16, 2010 12:36:29.927

Chrome is making browsing better for everyone, including the large number of IE users who have never looked at it. Why? Because it's forcing Microsoft to work on IE, and it sounds like IE 9 is a much, much better tool.

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Smalltalk Daily 09/16/10: Retrieving Email with Smalltalk

September 16, 2010 7:48:20.773

Today's Smalltalk Daily looks at retrieving email messages with POP3 from Cincom Smalltalk. The code used is below; to skip to the video, click here.

"login, get message list"
user := NetUser username: user password: password.
client := POP3Client host: 'pop.gmail.com'.
client user: user.
client useSecureConnection.
list := client list.

"get the messages"
msgs := list collect: [:each | | num message |
	num := each messages.
	id := client retrieveMessageID: num.
	message := client retrieveMessage: num.
	id -> message].

"delete from server"
client deleteMessageIds: (msgs collect: [:each | each key]).

client disconnect.

If you can't see the embedded video directly, you can go directly to YouTube for it. To watch now, click on the viewer below:

You can follow the Smalltalk channel on YouTube for all the "Smalltalk Daily" videos. You can also check out the videos on Vimeo, where the quality is higher, or over on Facebook, if you are a member.

You can download the video directly here. If you need the video in a Windows Media format, then download that here. If you like this kind of video, why not subscribe to "Smalltalk Daily"?

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social media

Location Based Crime?

September 16, 2010 6:23:52.526

Unlike most of the people reporting on the "Facebook crime spree", Jeff Jarvis did some actual reporting:

I emailed Nashua, NH detective Dan Archambault, who told me that only two of the cases involved Facebook and in each case, “one or two of the suspects were Facebook friends with the respective homeowners. They basically had access to the walls and could read that the families were away on vacation. The information was only available to friends and the Facebook Places feature was NOT a part of this. And finally my advice to Facebook users is carefully pick your friends and watch what you post.”

That's way less exciting than stalking criminals trawling the social seas for location based information, but it is what happened. The last line in the quoted section is accurate online and off; most of the thefts I've heard about locally happened based on idle chatter between kids, where some of the "friends" were drug addicts looking for a cheap score. As Jeff says, pick your friends carefully - and that's true online and off.

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ESUG Video Timeline

September 15, 2010 13:02:34.557

I'm getting the videos direct from the citilab folks, but that doesn't mean that you should expect to see it all pop online immediately. There's a process I need to go through here:

  • The video I'm getting is raw - the recordings often start before a given talk (sometimes by many minutes). That means editing
  • The raw video I'm getting is Flash, and I don't want to post that - it would be inaccessible to iPhone and iPad users (and effectively inaccessible to Android users, based on performance thus far).
  • I don't want to flood the video out all at once - that tends to result in fewer viewers, not more.

What you can expect is to see 1-2 videos released per week, and for some of the talks (most likely the Cincom specific ones) to also be available in audio-only form as part of the podcast feed. I'll be cross linking everything over on the STIC site, so you'll be able to get to it from there as well as from the Cincom video archives. I also intend to post everything to Vimeo :)

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Workflow Beats Everything

September 15, 2010 12:44:47.520

Ted Leung has this very right:

App developers of all kinds, giving me neat features is good. Streamlining my workflow is better.

Supporting new libraries and features is cool, but if the end result is still a workflow that stalls at some point - then it really doesn't matter. Developers need to be able to go from working code to deployable systems quickly, and it shouldn't have to involve chewing gum and baling wire....

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Cincom Smalltalk at ESUG (#esug2010)

September 15, 2010 7:56:58.995

Arden Thomas is talking about Cincom Smalltalk right now; you can watch and listen using the live stream

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Smalltalk Daily 09/15/10: Sending Email from Smalltalk

September 15, 2010 7:24:15.185

Today's Smalltalk Daily looks at sending email messages from Cincom Smalltalk. The code used is below; to skip to the video, click here.

msg := MailMessage newTextPlain.
msg from: 'user1@system.com'.
msg to: 'user2@system.com'.
msg subject: 'test mail from VW'.
msg text: 'This is a message test, just ignore it'.
client := SMTPClient host: 'smtp.system.com'.
client user: (NetUser username: username password: password).
client useSecureConnection.
client connect.
client login.
client sendMessage: msg.
client quit.

If you can't see the embedded video directly, you can go directly to YouTube for it. To watch now, click on the viewer below:

You can follow the Smalltalk channel on YouTube for all the "Smalltalk Daily" videos. You can also check out the videos on Vimeo, where the quality is higher, or over on Facebook, if you are a member.

You can download the video directly here. If you need the video in a Windows Media format, then download that here. If you like this kind of video, why not subscribe to "Smalltalk Daily"?

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ESUG 2010 on Twitter

September 15, 2010 7:18:23.905

Beyond the live streams of the talks, you can follow the #esug2010 tag on Twitter for even more updates on the event as it happens.

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More Free GLASS

September 14, 2010 21:43:00.891

Gemstone has just moved the free tier for GLASS down a notch - the 2 CPU, 16 GB of data version is now free instead of $7k per year. You can find more details on their announcement page.

Hat tip to Randal for the link.

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Continuous Integration with Pharo

September 14, 2010 18:22:35.000

Spotted in Planet Squeak

Pharo now has an official continuous integration server (using Hudson) ready to build images.

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Kindle Vs. iPad

September 14, 2010 13:30:59.000

Amazon takes the goves off in the video below:

There's an interesting unstated reality though: you're unlikely to take either a Kindle or an iPad to the pool or beach. Why? Say you want to read a bit, and then go swimming. With a regular paperback, you don't really have any qualms about leaving it on your towel. With a gadget? That's instant theft bait.

So yeah, it's a good ad - but I'm still not buying the idea that you would bring either one anywhere near the water...

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Recording a Stream with Smalltalk and Applescript

September 14, 2010 12:45:25.813

The Citilab folks are getting me copies of the recorded ESUG talks, so I don't really need this solution - but before I knew that was going to happen, I set up two Applescripts and a Smalltalk workspace script to start recording at 3 AM my time (9 AM in Barcelona). The Smalltalk looks like this:

isTime := false.
safariScript := '/Users/james/Documents/working_77/openSafari.scpt'.
castScript := '/Users/james/Documents/working_77/doRecord.scpt'.
test := Timestamp readFrom: '9/14/10 02:58:00' readStream.
block := [[isTime]
	whileFalse: [(Delay forSeconds: 60) wait.
				time := Timestamp now.
				time >= test
					ifTrue: [isTime := true.
						ExternalProcess cshOne: safariScript.
						(Delay forSeconds: 5) wait.
						ExternalProcess cshOne: castScript]]].

And the two AppleScripts:

#! /usr/bin/osascript
tell application "Safari"
open location "http://eventv.projectescitilab.eu/index.html"
end tell

#! /usr/bin/osascript
activate application "iShowU"
delay 2
tell application "System Events"
	tell process "iShowU"
		click button "Record" of window "iShowU"
	end tell
end tell

Pretty simple stuff, and it's easy enough to do. If I had to do this sort of thing often enough, I'd likely create a CRON job instead of the Smalltalk workspace, but for ad-hoc things, this works quite nicely.

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Smalltalk Daily 09/14/10: Using FTP in Smalltalk

September 14, 2010 9:24:36.123

Today's Smalltalk Daily looks at the FTP client in Cincom Smalltalk. The code used is below; to skip to the video, click here.

file := 'buildWin.st'.
file asFilename exists. false

ftp := FTPClient
	loginToHost: 'ftp.cincomsmalltalk.com'
	asUser: username
	withPassword: password.
ftp setServerPassive.
" ftp beCurrentDirectory: 'html' "
ftp retrieveFileNamed: file as: file.
ftp close.

file asFilename exists. true
file asFilename edit.

If you can't see the embedded video directly, you can go directly to YouTube for it. To watch now, click on the viewer below:

You can follow the Smalltalk channel on YouTube for all the "Smalltalk Daily" videos. You can also check out the videos on Vimeo, where the quality is higher, or over on Facebook, if you are a member.

You can download the video directly here. If you need the video in a Windows Media format, then download that here. If you like this kind of video, why not subscribe to "Smalltalk Daily"?

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Tiobe Volatility

September 14, 2010 7:03:19.000

So back in August, there was much wailing and gnashing of teeth as Smalltalk fell out of the top 50 languages in the Tiobe rankings. This month, Smalltalk is sitting at 37. While I love Smalltalk, and I'm happy to see a higher ranking - that's a lot of motion for one month. Makes me question the value of the index, actually :)

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Glorp Relicensing

September 13, 2010 17:26:51.174

Alan Knight is looking into relicensing Glorp:

At this point, it seems to me that it's desirable to go further than that, and actively relicense Glorp under a more open license. I don't think the threat of someone taking the code base and making something proprietary from it is as significant as the impediment to usage that being under the LGPL causes. So to that end, I'm going to be going through old records and trying to get in contact with previous contributors to do a relicensing under another license. I'm thinking MIT, or something in that vein.
Suggestions on licenses, process involved in doing this, arguments, or other commentary are welcomed.

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Oh Noes, Google To Own the Tubes

September 13, 2010 15:55:45.221

Back in the early and mid 90's, the elites thought that Microsoft was going to own the industry. Now they think Google will. The ironic part is that this report (PDF) was released the same week that commentators have been chattering about Facebook becoming more dominant than Google.

I'll give the would be regulators some free advice - leave things alone.

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It's Not Hell, but You Can Feel it From There

September 13, 2010 11:14:41.174

Behold the next bad idea in air travel - the worst seat ever.

posted by James Robertson

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Net Native TV

September 13, 2010 10:17:54.000

Between things like Netflix, AppleTV, Hulu (etc) - and YouTube, there's already a ton of video on the net. Now the live streaming side is heating up:

The rumors were true: after months — years, even — of speculation, YouTube is preparing to launch a full-fledged live streaming platform, enabling its content parters to stream their video directly to users in real-time. This will put the service in direct competition with the likes of Ustream, Justin.tv, and Livestream. We recently caught screenshots of a live streaming option in the wild that YouTube only made available to its politics-oriented channel CitizenTube. Obviously it has much bigger plans for the feature.

With so many options being created, I can't see how the traditional "appointment TV" model will survive....

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Smalltalk Daily 09/13/10: Smalltalk and Proxy Servers

September 13, 2010 7:53:58.638

Today's Smalltalk Daily looks at how you use proxy services - including NTLM - in Cincom Smalltalk. To watch now on YouTube, click here. The code used in the screencast (click here to skip right to the video):

"set up for proxy services"
proxy := (HostSpec new
			name: cincomProxy;
			port: 80;
			type: 'http';

proxy netUser: (NetUser username: username password: password).
Net.Settings httpDomain: 'CINCOM'.
cl := HttpClient new.
	proxyHost: proxy;
	useProxy: true.
reply := cl get: 'http://www.yahoo.com'.

You can follow the Smalltalk channel on YouTube for all the "Smalltalk Daily" videos. You can also check out the videos on Vimeo, where the quality is higher, or over on Facebook, if you are a member.

You can download the video directly here. If you need the video in a Windows Media format, then download that here. If you like this kind of video, why not subscribe to "Smalltalk Daily"?

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ESUG Streaming Working

September 13, 2010 5:54:32.845

The good news is, the streaming from ESUG seems to be working - I set up a script (Applescript) last night to set up Safari and iShowU, and this morning, they were both going just fine. The only bad news - I controlled all of that from a Smalltalk script, and the workspace window tossed itself into the foreground. At least I have Audio for the early talks :)

I can get that sorted out today though, and have everything ready to go tomorrow morning again. Cool!

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ESUG 2010 Streaming

September 12, 2010 16:00:08.218

The ESUG 2010 conference will be streaming the talks from Citilab in Barcelona:

On streaming: Today we have been testing the streaming and everything went smooth, and working with no problem. So, tomorrow (monday) you should connect to http://eventv.projectescitilab.eu/index.html

There are often two tracks - when that happens:

If it works, I'll be trying to record at least some of the talks for use in our video feed.

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iPhone on Verizon?

September 12, 2010 14:39:46.365

TechCrunch explains the obstacles that stand between you and an iPhone on the Verizon network:

The past week, I’ve written a number of posts with the same basic refrain: the carriers suck. Each of those posts was in the context of Android, and specifically how the carriers are taking advantage of the openness of that mobile OS to take us back in time 5 years where they had complete control over the U.S. market — the time before the iPhone. Verizon is the worst perpetrator so far. Is there any doubt they want to do the same thing with the iPhone?

What it boils down to is this: Verizon and Apple both like to have control over the end phone experience. That makes a marriage between the two very, very hard to consummate....

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Seaside 3.0 Ships

September 12, 2010 14:30:58.655

On the eve of ESUG 2010, Seaside 3.0 has been released:

The Seaside core developers are pleased to announce the release of Seaside 3.0.

Lots of details if you follow the link.

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Industry Misinterpretations 205: An Interview with Dan Ingalls

September 12, 2010 13:46:46.069

This week's podcast is an interview Goran Krampe did with Dan Ingalls - which Goran nicely allowed us to post to the podcast feed. We'll have part 2 of the interview with John O'Keefe next Sunday!

To listen now, you can either download the mp3 edition, or the AAC edition. The AAC edition comes with chapter markers. You can subscribe to either edition of the podcast directly in iTunes; just search for Smalltalk and look in the Podcast results. You can subscribe to the mp3 edition directly using this feed, or the AAC edition using this feed using any podcatching software. You can also download the podcast in ogg format.

To listen immediately, use the player below:

If you like the music we use, please visit Josh Woodward's site. We use the song Effortless for our intro/outro music. I'm sure he'd appreciate your support!

If you have feedback, send it to smalltalkpodcasts@cincom.com - or visit us on Facebook - you can vote for the Podcast Alley, and subscribe on iTunes. If you enjoy the podcast, pass the word - we would love to have more people hear about Smalltalk!

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Tardis Drive

September 11, 2010 17:50:26.000

This is just cool:

tardis drive

Funny comment from Michael when I showed him the link - "so your data disappears on you years at a time and comes back looking different? no thanks!"

posted by James Robertson

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Software Patents - Harmful to Meaningless

September 11, 2010 10:29:06.458

I like this take on the patent system from Slashdot:

The backlog of patents is almost 730K. And the Commerce Department under the Obama administration wants the average down to 20 months. How does this happen? Only if everyone closes their eyes and pretends. It's time to take drastic action, like ending software patents. As it is, by the time companies get a software patent, there's little value to them because, after six years, the industry has already moved on.

At the very least, any patent should require a working version of what's being patented - so that utterly absurd things like the Paul Allen suits are impossible.

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Bloglines Dies

September 11, 2010 9:33:06.000

The entire dedicated RSS reader space is dying:

But people no longer seem to be abandoning certain readers for others—or for other ways to access those same feeds. Instead, they appear to be abandoning RSS readers as a way to read the news altogether. Hitwise, for instance, tells us that visits to Google Reader are down 27 percent year-over-year, while visits to Bloglines are down 71 percent year-over-year.

The main reason I still work with BottomFeeder is that it's tied in with my blog server, and works for how I post to my site. I have no illusions about the wider space :)

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Dynamic Languages in Toronto

September 11, 2010 6:25:45.000

The Toronto Smalltalk user's group is going to hear about some interesting Javascript work:

From Adam Spitz: Avocado is an (as yet unfinished) programming environment for JavaScript, built on top of Dan Ingalls' Lively Kernel, intended to bring some of the principles of Smalltalk (liveness, simplicity) and Self (directness, even more simplicity) to standard web browsers. JSQuiche, the first real application built with Avocado, is a code-organization tool, intended to let javaScript programmers browse through their objects at runtime and organize them using categories, comments, and poses.

The meeting will be on Monday, September 13; follow the link for full details

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LaunchPad Updates

September 10, 2010 19:12:39.088

The engineers are enhancing the LaunchPad (I did a screencast on that here) - here's a snippet from an email to our development list:

For those of you who are using the VisualWorks Projects desktop shortcut, Applet or shell script, the LaunchPad application has been enhanced to create/manage an image signature file so that we can determine the particular VW installation that was used to create your Project image. The image signature file is specific to the current user, and will be created the first time a new Project is created by the LaunchPad from the current build. Each entry in the file (using the example in the comments in the file header) contains the image signature, the installed VisualWorks location, and (following a separator) the image version string. The first time a new Project is created for a new release/build the new signature entry will be appended to the file. If you re-install VisualWorks in a new location, or if/when you need to install multiple RC candidate builds (which all have the same image signature) :-) the LaunchPad will comment out the old entry and append a new correct one.

posted by James Robertson

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1922 In Color

September 10, 2010 17:38:45.914

This is pretty cool - a Kodak film test from 1922 - in color.

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Flash and IOS

September 10, 2010 14:38:56.000

I think I see what's going on with Flash and IOS - in this story about Apple's about face, note ths paragraph:

Other cross-platform compiler makers had had no such trouble, even during the monthslong stretch when the now-obsolete Apple policy had supposedly been in effect. Both Appcelerator and Unity Technologies, which sell iOS programming tools, stressed on Thursday that developers using their compilers had been able to get ported programs into the App Store since April.

The article also points out that nothing has changed vis-a-vis Flash in the browser; this simply allows Adobe's cross compiler to work. So developers can ship Flash based apps for IOS, but they still can't post Flash video and have it work - because the latter involves downloading code to the browser, which is still a no-no unless said code is Javascript.

My guess then is that Apple realized that they had a stickly legal issue - they were approving other cross compilers, while shoving Adobe up against a wall. That was going to lead to more than just bad PR; eventually, there would have been some kind of legal blowback.

At the end of the day, there's less here than meets the eyes for end users. Flash content is still inaccessible from IOS devices, so the great "Flash vs. HTML 5" battle will rage on....

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Invitation to Smalltalks 2010

September 10, 2010 12:54:00.237

Andres Valloud has extended a nifty invitation to Smalltalks 2010 in Argentina:

Smalltalks 2010

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Smalltalk Daily 9/10/10: Creating HTTP POSTs

September 10, 2010 7:32:13.781

Today's Smalltalk Daily looks at doing Http POST and GET requests in Cincom Smalltalk - VisualWorks or ObjectStudio. The examples I used are below; they hit a simple servlet I have on a test server in my office. To skip to the video now, click here.

If you can't see the embedded video directly, you can go directly to YouTube for it.

"Do a simple GET"
response := HttpClient new get: 'http://victoria:8011/blog/servlet/TestBlogServlet'

"Do a POST request for a site that should be there"
postData := OrderedCollection with: 'blog' -> 'blog'.
client := HttpClient new.
request := HttpRequest method: 'POST' url: 'http://victoria:8011/blog/servlet/TestBlogServlet'.
request formData: postData.
client executeRequest: request.

"Do a POST request for a site that should not be there"
postData := OrderedCollection with: 'blog' -> 'foo'.
client := HttpClient new.
request := HttpRequest method: 'POST' url: 'http://victoria:8011/blog/servlet/TestBlogServlet'.
request formData: postData.
client executeRequest: request.

To watch now, click on the viewer below:

You can follow the Smalltalk channel on YouTube for all the "Smalltalk Daily" videos. You can also check out the videos on Vimeo, where the quality is higher, or over on Facebook, if you are a member.

You can download the video directly here. If you need the video in a Windows Media format, then download that here. If you like this kind of video, why not subscribe to "Smalltalk Daily"?

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posted by James Robertson

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Aida/Web 6.1 Released

September 10, 2010 6:57:09.000

Spotted in comp.lang.smalltalk Google Group

I'm proud to announce the new version of Aida/Web Application server and Web framework, currently prepared for Squeak/Pharo and VisualWorks.

follow the link for more details.

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