Dumb Headline of the Day
I think Baseline just started shouting "You Kids! Get Off My Lawn!"
Technorati Tags: stupidity
. .
The author of this blog, James Robertson, passed away in April 2014. This blog is being maintained by David Buck (david@simberon.com).
I think Baseline just started shouting "You Kids! Get Off My Lawn!"
Technorati Tags: stupidity
Amazon has enough content available to make a real run at the tablet space - and it looks like they are primed to get in:
It’s called the Amazon Kindle but is different from other Kindles. Siegler says he actually used the design verification version of the 7-inch tablet, which is due for release at the end of November and will be priced at only $250.
Micro USB port, WiFi only - and free Amazon Prime for a year. I really like my iPad, but that's a pretty darned attractive sounding deal...
Steve Jobs is stepping down - probably due to his ongoing health issues. Apple has been a really interesting company under his leadership; let's hope that we don't see a return to the first post-Jobs era.
And in the meantime, best wishes to Steve Jobs.
Technorati Tags: Apple
I see that a (supposed) public interest group is upset over data caps in the 4g world (never mind that they also exist in 3g):
"Activities that are made possible by 4G, such as watching movies or uploading video to the internet, are made impossible by the data caps," wrote the report's author, Michael Weinberg.
Well - I can certainly speak to that, as I use tethering on my iPhone quite a bit. As most of you know, I travel to Texas on a regular basis for work, and the class of hotel I'm staying is often, shall we say, bandwidth challenged. Quite frequently, I use my iPhone instead of the hotel wifi to upload my daily screencasts, and I haven't come close to going over the bandwidth cap. Heck, I've downloaded a bit over 5gb since July 2010, using the 3g network pretty heavily.
I'm not sure what the alternative is - making it all unlimited and "free" is likely to lead to a tragedy of the commons situation. Like it or not, the airwaves are a much more constrained resource than, say, a fiber optic line. We'll end up paying for usage one way or another, either directly via tiered usage plans, or indirectly via rationing. There's no magic bandwidth fairy out there who can create more spectrum.
You know that a divorce settlement is going to hinge on FitBit data at some point :)
You have to love the copyright trolls at Righthaven:
Wired Magazine reports that Righthaven attorney Shawn Mangano's excuse for being a day late with his explanation as to why the litigation factory made 'dishonest statements to the court' was that his web browser upgraded and he could no longer attach PDF files to his submissions
I bet his teachers heard that kind of excuse. A lot.
Technorati Tags: stupidity
If it wasn't obvious before, their cloud offering makes it crystal clear. This is a company that is headed for a huge fall. I doubt they'lll disappear like DEC, but it would not suprise me at all to watch them become a middling player in the space with declining influence.
Here's ZDNet quoting from the offering:
We encourage you to buy the plan family (Plans P or E) you want to move forward with in the future. If, after purchase, you decide you want a plan from a different family, you will have to cancel your subscription and then buy a different plan (e.g., cancel your subscription to Plan P and then buy Plan E). Please be aware that your data may not be preserved, and you will have to provide sign up information again.
The only signups MS will get is from their existing corporate accounts; no new buyer will be able to figure the plans out.
Technorati Tags: microsoft, enterprisey
Facebook won't be needing it, apparently - at least mot on their mobile, html5 version of the site. Gizmodo reports that they are working on a way to route around Apple and the App Store within the bounds of what Apple allows on IOS:
Eighty outside developers are supposedly working on the project including those from companies like Zynga. Games and credits will be included so you can farm to your heart's content. And yes, it will supposedly land on Android, but the first target is iOS.
If that pans out, expect a lot of the excitement over iPad specific magazine apps to flow back to HTML5.
Update: Ironically enough, TechCrunch is now reporting that Facebook is, in fact, working on an iPad app. They still don't need Flash, but perhaps they've decided that HTML5 isn't enough :)
With all of the "cloud" news, it's easy to miss things like this: the massive sales of MS Office 2010:
In a phone interview Tuesday, Numoto further said "since the launch of Office 2010 we've been selling a copy of Office every second." We'll do the math for you: that's about 31.5 million copies. The number could be higher, assuming Microsoft is counting only Office 2010 sales and not Office for Mac 2011, which came out late last year.
The standard desktop is still a big seller, regardless of how much hype you hear about everything else...
Technorati Tags: office
Apple has told patent troll Lodsys to take their claims elsewhere. The only troubling bit left is the fact that Apple - in a completely understandable cost/benefits decision process - paid Lodsys off in the first place. Ideally, Lodsys' "innovation" would have been deep sixed.
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