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Cincom Smalltalk Server Outage

October 1, 2010 11:42:25.135

The cincomsmalltalk server seems to be having a problem right now - our IT guys are looking into it. When I have more information, I'll update this post. Sorry for the inconvenience!

Update, 12:30 PM: The server is back online.

posted by James Robertson

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Media Search Fixed

August 18, 2010 16:35:34.189

It seems that the media search application on the Cincom Smalltalk website had some bad data in it. Or possibly bad handling of data depending on how you want to look at it. When I first created the application, I did a batch run over a bunch of blog posts to create the records in the PostgreSQL database the app uses. The problem? Some of the video and screencast posts use relative links for the show notes.

That's fine when the relative links are sitting on my Cincom blog; a link of blog?.... gets looked up just fine there. However, the media search app has a different root, so the show notes links for a decent number of the items were bad (225, to be exact). So... I created a small WebVelocity component, loaded it into the server, ran it, and had it search for and fix those links. Boom, done. You shouldn't see bad links for that stuff anymore.

Hat tip to James Savidge, who pointed the problem out to me.

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posted by James Robertson

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Download Trouble?

August 17, 2010 11:39:30.232

I've gotten a report of problems using the new download form that the Cincom marketing group put up here; it's only one report though, so I have no idea whether there's an actual problem or not. If you try to use the form and get redirected in ways that don't seem to make sense, let me know. Thanks!

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posted by James Robertson

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Cincom Site Outage

August 14, 2010 22:29:02.992

I'm not sure what's going on, but the websites and phone lines at Cincom HQ are down. There was a pretty nasty looking line of storms that passed through there earlier this evening; that might be related.

Update: There was a power outage; things are getting back to normal now

Update 2: Seems I had to kick Apache manually. Joy :)

posted by James Robertson

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Cincom Smalltalk Back Up

June 7, 2010 14:05:46.521

We still need to diagnose what happened, but the server is running and serving pages again.

posted by James Robertson

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Cincom Smalltalk Downtime

June 7, 2010 7:38:21.256

It seems that the outage isn't simple - there's a hardware problem on our server, probably the hard drive. I'm working with the IT group at Cincom to get that resolved, but it's going to take a bit - if the HD needs replacing, we'll have to do that and restore from our backups. I'll keep you posted on our progress, but in the meantime, you can still access all of our media, if not in quite as organized a fashion as we have in the archives.

For general Smalltalk news, or my take on whatever I'm thinking about, you can just follow this blog :)

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posted by James Robertson

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New Smalltalk Website

January 15, 2010 16:08:21.195

The Smalltalk website at Cincom has been refreshed - if you have feedback, you can email me, or drop a comment here.

Also, if you find the old version of the site more familiar, you can get there via cincomsmalltalk.com/developers.

posted by James Robertson

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