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Smalltalk Daily 09/29/10: Using Google Client Auth

September 29, 2010 9:19:59.051

Today's Smalltalk Daily looks at implementing a client interface to Google services. That required implementing the client login scheme google uses (for desktop clients). Today's screencast covers that client auth scheme. The code I'm demonstrating is in the public store repository under the name GoogleClientAuth - the usage in the screencast is below. To skip to the video, click here..

"get the request token - cl is the calendar service"
gAuth := AuthRequest 
	requestTokenFor: 'cl' 
	user: username
	password: password
	clientName: 'Cincom-VisualWorks-771'.

"now we can start making requests - this makes a 
simple request to the 'own' feed for google calendar"
serviceResponse := ServiceRequest
					makeRequestWith: gAuth 
					requestPrepObject: ExampleRequestPrep new.
feed := serviceResponse contents

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posted by James Robertson

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