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Parcel Like Tools for Pharo

August 16, 2012 8:11:12.318

mariano has been extending Fuel to give Pharo the same kinds of code tools that VisualWorks (and ObjectStudio) have with parcels:

Right now the common way to export and import packages in Pharo is by using Monticello (or doing fileOut, which is almost the same). This ends up exporting the source code and then compiling it during the import. Tanker is a tool to export and import packages of code in a binary way using Fuel serializer. Using Fuel enables us to avoid having to compile from sources during the import. Tanker understands the concept of “packages of code” and the correct integration of them into the system. For example, it initializes classes, sends notifications, etc.

If you follow the link there's a lot more explanation, as well as usage instructions. There's also a screencast available

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posted by James Robertson

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