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Creating Your Own Blog Software

March 4, 2011 6:39:19.579

Way back in 2002, I started writing the software that drives this blog - at the time, I was thinking of it as a promotional tool for Smalltalk. When I left Cincom and needed a new job, it became something more useful: a promotional tool for me. I publicized my situation, and that effort led to a job offer from the place I'm working now. This aspect brought up by Rob Conery also came up:

It’s ubiquitous. What a perfect interview topic: “I’d love to see how you handled asynchronous pings to Technorati and oh do you have a POP feature? Also did you use MetaWeblog or Wordpress?”

One of the things I got asked about was my technical chops - since I'd been working in software promotion, did I still have any useful skills from a development perspective? Well, the blog is a living, breathing example of the fact that I know at least a few things. The code is in the public repository, so it's easily accessible as well.

Having a public project like a blog turned out to be useful for me in multiple ways.

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posted by James Robertson

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