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ST 4U 46: Autocomplete in Pharo

February 11, 2011 7:38:33.736

Today's Smalltalk 4 You takes a look at autocompletion in Pharo. If you have trouble viewing it here in the browser, you can also navigate directly to YouTube. To watch now, click on the image below:

Pharo Autocomplete

If you have trouble viewing that directly, you can click here to download the video directly. If you need the video in a Windows Media format, then download that here.

You can also watch it on YouTube:

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[st4u46-iPhone.m4v ( Size: 2902413 )]

posted by James Robertson


Re: ST 4U 46: Automcomplete in Pharo

[Torsten] February 11, 2011 10:20:07.226

Note that beside "OCompletion" Pharo also has the

"eCompletion" built in.

Open the settings browser: "System" -> "Settings"

in category "Code browsing" -> "OCompletion" select

"use eCompletion instead of oCompletion".

Open up a new workspace. You have to use TAB to

get the completion (similar to Eclipse) and

if you use right arrow key it shows you the full


eCompletion also has other features, read:

[link 1]

Maybe time for an additional screencast


Re: ST 4U 46: Automcomplete in Pharo

[Chris Oliver] February 13, 2011 19:58:55.189

Also note that in the preferences browser whether you're using OCompletion with Squeak or ECompletion with Pharo, you can disable the delimiter completion by turning off Smart Characters. While Squeak makes the preference browser readily available. I can't find anything short of running a DoIt on

'PreferenceBrowser open' with Pharo.

Re: ST 4U 46: Autocomplete in Pharo

[James Robertson] February 14, 2011 7:24:15.207

In Pharo 1.1.1:

There's no such option, either in the settings browser accessible from the system menu, or from the one you mention above. It's using eCompletion, and has no option for anything else.

Re: ST 4U 46: Autocomplete in Pharo

[Torsten] February 14, 2011 8:07:02.135

Take care:

In Pharo 1.1.:


- the "PreferenceBrowser open" is working but the old

way of doing things (preferences are deprecated)

- there is already the newer

"SettingsBrowser open"

with a new reworked UI

With Pharo 1.2:


Preferences are completely obsolete and only Settings

will be used. So starting with 1.2 you have to use

SettingBrowser open

In Pharo 1.2. the "Smart Characters" option is migrated

to the new settings framework. Check out a Pharo 1.2 image

at: [link 1]


Re: ST 4U 46: Autocomplete in Pharo

[Torsten] February 14, 2011 8:07:02.805

Take care:

In Pharo 1.1.:


- the "PreferenceBrowser open" is working but the old

way of doing things (preferences are deprecated)

- there is already the newer

"SettingsBrowser open"

with a new reworked UI

With Pharo 1.2:


Preferences are completely obsolete and only Settings

will be used. So starting with 1.2 you have to use

SettingBrowser open

In Pharo 1.2. the "Smart Characters" option is migrated

to the new settings framework. Check out a Pharo 1.2 image

at: [link 1]


Re: ST 4U 46: Autocomplete in Pharo

[Chris Oliver] February 14, 2011 22:28:50.701

I just looked at the release candidate for Pharo 1.2, and there are NO adjustments for the auto completion. There are certainly none in 1.1.1.

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