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Expect Less Clarity in ME3

June 22, 2012 13:45:49.527

BioWare is releasing the "epilogue" for ME3 on June 26th:

BioWare is releasing the Extended Cut downloadable content for sci-fi role-playing game Mass Effect 3 on June 26, it said today.

I expect less clarity. Why? They are still holding firm to the "we didn't screw up the ending" theory of operation. Things won't get better until someone takes Casey Hudson into a room and explains to him - presumably using very small words - that he's managed to kill the franchise, and that the team will be executing a full retcon. Until then? The stupid will just keep rolling. Why do I say that?

BioWare also added that this new DLC will not change the ending, but instead expand upon it: "The Extended Cut is an expansion of the original endings to Mass Effect 3. It does not fundamentally change the endings, but rather it expands on the meaning of the original endings, and reveals greater detail on the impact of player decisions."

That's what we call an epic fail.

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posted by James Robertson

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