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Why Smalltalk

April 9, 2011 8:05:08.746

Andy Berry explains why he has used - and continues to use - Smalltalk as his software development platform of choice.

posted by James Robertson


Re: Why Smalltalk

[Sean] April 9, 2011 19:36:18.780

Edited with Microsoft Frontpage.

I reckon it's been a while since that site has seen any love ;)

Re: Why Smalltalk

[Claus] April 11, 2011 10:36:16.261

Why don't we follow the crowd and move to Java?

I think most Smalltalkers don't trust Java. We bear in mind its history - cobbled together out of C++ with a half understood nod in our direction - and the lack (as of today) of any complex application developed in it.

Let me rephrase that:

Why don't we follow the trend and move to Smalltalk?

I think most Javas don't trust Smalltalk. We bear in mind its history - meant as a learning System with no real huge vendor support and many common features lacking, never mind the inadequateness of the existing libraries - and the lack (as of today) of any complex application developed in it.

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