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The XBox Moves Up

August 13, 2010 17:41:27.000

Microsoft is nothing is not persistent - the XBox has finally moved past the Wii in yearly sales:

The Wii may be tumbling at last, as Microsoft's Xbox 360 outpaced it by several hundreds thousand units in NPD Group's July 2010 retail sales. The games industry was steady, year-on-year, losing a few points in software and accessory sales but gaining notably in hardware sales.

To me, the two devices are in separate spaces: the XBox is for more devoted gamers - people who are willing to invest a lot of time in a game (like, say someone who'll play ME2 on Insanity). The Wii is a casual gaming device - big at parties and get togethers.

The loser in all this? The PS3.

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posted by James Robertson

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