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Smalltalk Daily 08/06/10: WebVelocity 1.1 TimeTracker

August 6, 2010 11:08:49.275

Today's Smalltalk Daily walks through a simple TimeTracker application in WebVelocity 1.1. There are three methods I needed to create to get the basic behavior I wanted; Click here to jump to the video:


renderActionsOn: html
	| record |
	super renderActionsOn: html.
	html button
		class: #record;
		callback: (record := Record new.
				(self call: (RecordEditUI on: record))
					ifTrue: [record bePersistent.
						object records add: record.
						object commitUnitOfWork]);
		with: 'Add Record'


printOn: stream
	stream nextPutAll: self name

printOn: stream stream nextPutAll: self activity

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posted by James Robertson

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