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Statement Caching with Oracle: Video

April 29, 2010 6:49:34.601

Today's Smalltalk Daily looks at using Statement Caching against Oracle (version 9 and up) with VisualWorks. If you're looking for a particular topic, you can find it with the Media Search application on our site.

The code used is below; To watch, click on the viewer:

"The following are two examples, one uses statement caching, the other does not."

conn := OracleConnection new. 

"Verify whether the loaded OCI supports Statement Caching."
conn supportStatementCaching.

"Set to use statement caching."
conn useStatementCaching: true.

conn environment: 'ORACLEDB'; 
        username: 'username'; 
        connect: 'password'. 

"Get Statement Cache Size, the default is 20."
conn getStatementCacheSize.

"Set Statement Cache to desired size."
conn setStatementCacheSize: 30.

"Verify the new Statement Cache Size."
conn getStatementCacheSize.

t1 := Time millisecondsToRun:[

       " | conn sess ansStrm |"

     100 timesRepeat: [
		sess prepare:  'select * from sys.all_tables where TABLE_NAME=''DUAL'''.
		sess execute.
		ansStrm := sess answer.
		res := ansStrm upToEnd.
	show: 'Time spent when using Statement Caching: ', t1 asFloat printString.

conn := OracleConnection new. 

"Set to use statement caching."
conn useStatementCaching: false.
conn environment: 'ORACLEDB'; 
        username: 'username'; 
        connect: 'password'. 

t2 := Time millisecondsToRun:[
       " | conn sess ansStrm |"
     100 timesRepeat: [
		sess prepare:  'select * from sys.all_tables where TABLE_NAME=''DUAL'''.
		sess execute.
		ansStrm := sess answer.
		res := ansStrm upToEnd.


	show: 'Time spent without using Statement Caching: ', t2 asFloat printString.

You can download the video directly here. If you like this kind of video, why not subscribe to "Smalltalk Daily"?

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posted by James Robertson

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