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File Reading in Smalltalk: Video

April 2, 2010 11:30:35.115

Today's screencast is a basic introduction to file handling in Smalltalk, looking at class Filename, and at basic Stream protocol.

Here's the code I used in the short examples in the screencast - The #nextLine message is part of the NetClients package - when I did the recording, I didn't notice that. To get that code, load the NetClients parcel:

"Filename is your entry point into file handling"
(Filename named: '.') directoryContents.

"Read line by line"
list := List new.
stream := 'lines.txt' asFilename readStream.
[stream atEnd]
	whileFalse: [list add: stream nextLine].
stream close.

"more manually, to show stream protocol"
list := List new.
stream := 'lines.txt' asFilename readStream.
[[stream atEnd]
	whileFalse: [| next|
				next := stream upTo: Character cr.
				list add: next]]
ensure: [stream close].

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posted by James Robertson

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