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All Eyes Turn to Apple

January 4, 2010 17:22:02.259

The Apple Tablet rumors are reaching a crescendo - PCWorld is reporting that Apple will be making a major product announcement in January:

Sources in a position to know tell me Apple is indeed planning a media event later this month at which the company will announce a major new product. The gathering is to be held at the Yerba Buena Center for the Arts in San Francisco, a space Apple often uses for media events like this. According to other sources, it will occur on Wednesday, Jan. 27, not Tuesday, Jan. 26, as had been rumored.

Now, it could be the tablet - or, it could be something along the lines of a real product where the AppleTV device lives. Based on some recent activity Apple's been involved in, I wonder if that's the real play here? It would be a lot like Apple to let the Tablet flames rise, and then come out with something completely different.

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posted by James Robertson

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