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When it Rains, it Pours, Home Edition

January 2, 2010 10:53:04.387

Yesterday, I was exchanging New Year's Greetings with Arden, and walking in my kitchen when I saw a big piece of siding in the back yard. Thinking "that can't be good", I went and got it, saw it was my house's color, and started looking up at the house. Sure enough:

So, that's a bad thing. I'll have to hire somone to repair that, and see about the state of the siding in general. We seem to get a lot of high winds here; I guess this is what happens.

posted by James Robertson


Re: When it Rains, it Pours, Home Edition

[anonymous] January 2, 2010 17:07:02.612

Come on, you, a ladder and a nail or two can fix it. Look at the clapboard of siding. Did the nails that hold it in tear the plastic? Or, maybe it was never nailed in place. You can do it.

The Spirit is Willing...

[James Robertson] January 3, 2010 10:45:10.931

My wife would rather get a contractor :)

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