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School's Out Redux

February 15, 2010 12:43:59.961

I just saw this from our local PTA - it's on Facebook, so I've reproduced part of it here:

As many of you may have already heard, schools have now closed for Tuesday. I recently spoke with Dr. Sydney Cousin, the Superintendent of Education, offering the PTA's help in reopening schools. He graciously accepted our offer, and explained that schools have been closed on Tuesday to allow adequate time for clearing of bus loops, walkways at the school, and parking lots. Providing a storm projected to move through the area tomorrow and Tuesday doesn't bring much new snow, it's Dr. Cousin's intent to open schools on Wednesday.

As I said earlier, it's more than walkways. There are still huge problems due to the utterly incompetent plow job that Howard County did.

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posted by James Robertson


Re: School's Out Redux

[HoCo Blogs] February 15, 2010 12:48:28.111

It's time for people/citizens to fill in the gaps. make things happen. particularly the youth. time for snow clearing of small, articulated spaces such as school bus stops, mail box areas, and fire hydrants.

[link 1]


Re: School's Out Redux

[W^L+] February 15, 2010 13:00:17.115

I like the idea of the community helping out (and I'm on the other side of the country, where it is a beautiful early-Summer-looking day). But if "the community" is still trapped in their homes, how would one expect them to get to the school sites to dig out the bus areas and walkways?

Besides, if your local schools are anything like my area's schools, the kids aren't learning anything relevant to the real world of working anyway. Let them enjoy a little additional time away from their confinement.

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